“Her husband could not get fuel to make the 100-mile drive to the hospital. She was alone when the doctors told her she had had a stillbirth brought on by malnutrition & stress. ‘If not for the blockade, I would be playing with my child today,’ she told CNN.”
#StopArtsakhGenocide #StopArmenianGenocide2023 #StopArtsakhBlockade
#stopartsakhblockade #stoparmeniangenocide2023 #stopartsakhgenocide
Kristof draws important attention to the Artsakh genocide, but his editors should heed Ocampo’s admonition quoted in the article: “It is critically important to label this as genocide.”
#StopArmenianGenocide2023 #StopArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhGenocide
#stopartsakhgenocide #stopartsakhblockade #stoparmeniangenocide2023
"In many respects, the starvation of the ethnic #Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, represents the archetype of genocide through the imposition of conditions of life designed to bring about a group’s destruction."
Fmr International Criminal Court prosecutor, #LuisMorenoOcampo, issued report stating the blockade of #NagornoKarabakh is “#GENOCIDE.”
#Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #CorridorDeLatchine #StopArtsakhBlockade #Azerbaïdjan #Arménie #HautKarabagh #StopArmenianGenocide2023
#armenians #luismorenoocampo #nagornokarabakh #genocide #artsakh #artsakhblockade #corridordelatchine #stopartsakhblockade #azerbaidjan #armenie #hautkarabagh #stoparmeniangenocide2023