“Her husband could not get fuel to make the 100-mile drive to the hospital. She was alone when the doctors told her she had had a stillbirth brought on by malnutrition & stress. ‘If not for the blockade, I would be playing with my child today,’ she told CNN.”
#StopArtsakhGenocide #StopArmenianGenocide2023 #StopArtsakhBlockade
#stopartsakhblockade #stoparmeniangenocide2023 #stopartsakhgenocide
The Tip of the Iceberg: Understanding #Azerbaijan's Blockade of the #LachinCorridor as Part of a Wider Genocidal Campaign against Ethnic #Armenians
#NagornoKarabakh Briefing Paper
#azerbaijan #lachincorridor #armenians #nagornokarabakh #artsakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #genocide
Kristof draws important attention to the Artsakh genocide, but his editors should heed Ocampo’s admonition quoted in the article: “It is critically important to label this as genocide.”
#StopArmenianGenocide2023 #StopArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhGenocide
#stopartsakhgenocide #stopartsakhblockade #stoparmeniangenocide2023
"La crise humanitaire qui frappe les #Arméniens dans l’enclave disputée s’est brusquement aggravée cet été depuis que Bakou en a bloqué totalement l’accès. L’ancien procureur de la Cour pénale internationale Luis Moreno Ocampo dénonce un « #génocide en cours »."
Au #HautKarabakh, l’arme de la faim de l’#Azerbaïdjan
#HautKarabagh #NagornoKarabakh #Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade
#armeniens #genocide #HautKarabakh #azerbaidjan #hautkarabagh #nagornokarabakh #artsakh #stopartsakhblockade #artsakhblockade
#HautKarabakh : des élus français escortent un convoi humanitaire, refusé par l'#Azerbaïdjan
#HautKarabagh #Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade #Arméniens
#HautKarabakh #azerbaidjan #hautkarabagh #artsakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #armeniens
“ 'We cannot accept a new Armenian #genocide in 2023,' says #LuisMorenoOcampo, the Argentine lawyer who served as the first prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. [..] We also speak with #AnnaOhanyan, professor of political science and international relations at Stonehill College, who says #Azerbaijan is relying on 'the use of hunger as a weapon' ”
#Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade #HautKarabagh #Arménie #Armenia #LachinCorridor
#luismorenoocampo #annaohanyan #azerbaijan #artsakh #nagornokarabakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #hautkarabagh #armenie #genocide #lachincorridor #armenia
US media now beginning to notice the unfolding Armenian Genocide of 2023 https://wapo.st/45nw06f
#ArmenianGenocide2023 #StopArtsakhGenocide #StopArtsakhBlockade
#stopartsakhblockade #stopartsakhgenocide #armeniangenocide2023
"In many respects, the starvation of the ethnic #Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, represents the archetype of genocide through the imposition of conditions of life designed to bring about a group’s destruction."
Fmr International Criminal Court prosecutor, #LuisMorenoOcampo, issued report stating the blockade of #NagornoKarabakh is “#GENOCIDE.”
#Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #CorridorDeLatchine #StopArtsakhBlockade #Azerbaïdjan #Arménie #HautKarabagh #StopArmenianGenocide2023
#armenians #luismorenoocampo #nagornokarabakh #genocide #artsakh #artsakhblockade #corridordelatchine #stopartsakhblockade #azerbaidjan #armenie #hautkarabagh #stoparmeniangenocide2023
AGBU | #StopArtsakhBlockade
@agbu posted:
This past weekend, several thousand people in #Artsakh and Armenia rallied to demand the lifting of Azerbaijan’s horrific blockade. The people of Artsakh have continuously shown that they will not bend to Azerbaijan’s attempts to cleanse their home ethnically.
Original tweet:
Due to Azerbaijan's ongoing blockade of the Lachin corridor, which is now nearly eight weeks, people in the mostly Armenian region of #Artsakh are forced to wait in line for food and necessary supplies for long hours and even days during the winter.
To learn more and help out, visit: http://agbu.org/artsakh
Original tweet from AGBU #StopArtsakhBlockade
In #Bergkarabach "werden gerade 120.000 Menschen ausgehungert, darunter 30.000 Kinder. Das geht uns alle an. Auch weil es Angehörige eines Volkes sind, das Anfang des 20. Jh. einen Genozid überlebt hat. Und zwar einen Genozid mit deutscher Beteiligung." Georgi Ambarzumjan #Armenien #StopArtsakhBlockade https://www.vice.com/de/article/7k8y3y/in-bergkarabach-hungern-menschen-die-welt-schaut-weg
#stopartsakhblockade #armenien #bergkarabach
RT @ppxppx@twitter.com
🚨 Jour 1️⃣2️⃣du blocus de l’Artsakh/HautKarabakh par l’Azerbaïdjan 🚨
270 enfants séparés de leurs familles appellent à un élan de solidarité pour rouvrir la route de la vie (corridor de Latchine) pour les retrouver
#stopartsakhblockade #roadoflife #recognizeartsakh
RT @mi_hayuhi
Right now in Artsakh: Azerbaijan blocks the lachin corridor creating a humanitarian crisis. #StopArtsakhBlockade
Right now in EU: #VonDerLeyen praising dictatorship Azerbaijan and promoting a shady energy deal as clean. https://twitter.com/vonderleyen/status/1604028008183889920
#vonderleyen #stopartsakhblockade