🚨 #RedAlert to anyone who manages/supports ANY US #healthcare network 🚨
Russian hacking group #Killnet announced on 1-Feb that they are actively attacking US healthcare operations in all 50 states. I have seen the conversations with a "call to arms" and the list of targets in every state.
start-quote (translated from Russian):
"1-Feb-2023: The largest DDoS attack on the US medical sector is announced. The list of targets included corporate networks of hospitals, hospitals, providers of online medical services. May the bandwidth of the global network be with us! List for all participants of the event: hxxps://telegra[.]ph/Celi-po-med-SSHA-02-02
We are Russians, We are Killnet!" - end-quote
I made the URL not clickable, since I don't trust it (nor should you).
It may be too late for most to shore up defenses, I know Tallahassee Memorial Hospital in Florida is already turning away patients due to "..an IT Security issue..." that started last night.
#redalert #healthcare #killnet #BeSafe #cyberdefense #cyberwar #stopattackinghospitals