Lastodon - Mastodon Minus Malware
> Fediverse server with anti-features removed + blocks bad servers CloudFlare, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Oracle and others. It removes three recently added anti-features, ie. there's NO Explore Timeline, the display of Like Counts without opening toot is removed, and we make JS optional again.
#lastodon #forkMastodon #mastodon #mastodonMinusMalware #cagemafia #stopCageMafia
#lastodon #forkmastodon #mastodon #mastodonminusmalware #cageMafia #stopcagemafia
An onion link to #DigitalFeudalismCounterAction just for you (and any other fedizens who don't have the I2P cobwebs quite cleared):
Will be interested to know what you think of it.
#digitalfeudalismcounteraction #stopcagemafia #blockcafemafia #gafam
This may sound controversial but…
For suppressed people who value basic #digitalSovereignity, knowing that almost all #banks in #Australia are being man-in-the-middled (#MitMd) by the likes of #Amazon, CloudFlare et al. We propose a weirdly radical solution…
Start using #cheques.
Call the bank and ask for a #chequeBook. The current #MitM attackers cannot stop us from paying with a cheque and we can sign with a message of our choosing. *wink
#digitalsovereignity #banks #australia #mitmd #amazon #cheques #chequebook #mitm #censorshipresistance #cloudflare #stopcagemafia
Recently we have taken to blacklisting websites served by #Microsoft GriftHub by placing them into a category, 'M$G'.
Seriously, how did we not see this sooner!
#microsoft #msg #github #getoffgithub #stopcagemafia #cageMafia