Thinking out ideas how to communicate after if/when Chat Control becomes law in the EU.
@EU_Commission And for people to feel safe talking about mental health issues, the conversation absolutely has be to private!
No one will make call to, or chat with, a professional if they know the conversation isn't private.
Before you send that private message, ask yourself these questions:
- Who will be reading your message besides your intended recipient?
- What are their agenda?
- Do you mind if another state government or criminal might read your message?
- Do you mind if the message and it contents like images might be publicly available?
#chatcontrol #stoppachatcontrol #stopchatcontrol #privacy
Safe to say, the #EU and probably most of its citizens are a bunch of tyrant-loving idiots. And if someone doesn't put a check on them, they'll speed up our descent into a global dictatorship dystopia.
"Of the 20 member countries represented in the survey, 15 support the banning of end-to-end encrypted communications, the report stated."
#csam #e2ee #encryption #privacy #censorship #europeanunion #stopchatcontrol
#eu #csam #e2ee #encryption #privacy #censorship #EuropeanUnion #stopchatcontrol
The most important thing for a recovering addict to stay clean, is to talk to other recovering addicts.
The urge to talk can come at any time, and the only way to communicate can often be over the Internet.
If an addict knows the conversation is monitored, they will not talk about what they need to talk about. They will not even make contact with the other person they need to talk to.
Without this safety net they might very well relapse.
Chat Control will take away this safety net and must be stopped!
#stopchatcontrol #chatcontrol #stoppachatcontrol
Under the noble guise of protecting children, the #EU is seeking to implement a sweeping #surveillance dragnet for Europe's digital communication. In May 2022, the European Commission (the EU's executive body) published regulatory proposal COM(2022) 209 Final (the #CSA Regulation) which "[lays] down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse". The proposal is currently being debated in the European Parliament (the EU legislature).
#E2EE #privacy #csam #chatcontrol
#stopchatcontrol #eu #surveillance #csa #e2ee #privacy #csam #chatcontrol
Under the noble guise of protecting children, the #EU is seeking to implement a sweeping #surveillance dragnet for Europe's digital communication. In May 2022, the European Commission (the EU's executive body) published regulatory proposal COM(2022) 209 Final (the #CSA Regulation) which "[lays] down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse". The proposal is currently being debated in the European Parliament (the EU legislature).
#E2EE #privacy #csam #chat control
#stopchatcontrol #eu #surveillance #csa #e2ee #privacy #csam #chat
@samuel #StopChatcontrol #StopScanningMe är några taggar att följa.
#stopchatcontrol #stopscanningme