1/7 At the ongoing ČEZ shareholders' meeting, we, along with Greenpeace activists, voiced our strong opposition to the extension of coal mining at the Bílina mine in Northern Bohemia. #StopCoalMining
@TatianaIlyina @mariusmichusch
Greta Thunberg: "Germany is really embarassing itself right now!"
Greta Thunberg: "Germany is really embarassing itself right now!" #stopcoalmining
Just imagine...
#doctorWho we need you here. It's an emergency!
#tardis #lützerathbleibt #alledörferbleiben #stopcoalmining #ZadRheinland #lützerart #Lützibleibt #Endegelände
#doctorwho #tardis #LutzerathBleibt #AlleDorferbleiben #stopcoalmining #ZADRheinland #lutzerart #lutzibleibt #endegelande
Just imagine...
#DrWHO we need you here. It's urgent!
#tardis #lützerathbleibt #Lützibleibt #alledörferbleiben #lützerart #stopcoalmining
#drwho #tardis #LutzerathBleibt #lutzibleibt #AlleDorferbleiben #lutzerart #stopcoalmining