When will people stop complaining and start interacting?
It's a SOCIAL Platform - you have to SOCIALIZE.
And even if you got social anxiety, depressed or generally feel socialy awkward, it's likely that you aren't alone with this - 'cause I'm here too, so...
My Fitness Journey - Shakes have replaced dinner. Whey protein, half a cup of whole milk, banana, 5 cashews, 5 almonds, a cup of oatmeal. Mix it all in a blender and down the hatch. I was hungry before the shake, I'm still hungry after the shake but that's all I get until breakfast tomorrow morning. #myFitnessJourney #shake #diet #foreverHungry #stopComplaining #firstWorldProblems #fatToFit
#myFitnessJourney #shake #diet #foreverhungry #stopcomplaining #firstworldproblems #fattofit
I long for the day things feel.....possible again. Like my life even remotely belongs to me? #Canada #Ontario #shutupbegreatful #youhaveitsogood #youresolucky #bestcountryonearth #stopcomplaining #sad
#canada #ontario #shutupbegreatful #youhaveitsogood #youresolucky #bestcountryonearth #stopcomplaining #sad