#DirectAirCapture: Lula da Silva has officially recognized two #Indigenous territories in an attempt to #protect the #land from illegal #loggers, #miners and cattle #ranchers.
#StopDeforestation #PreserveIndigenousBiodiversity #LandBack
#directaircapture #indigenous #protect #land #loggers #miners #ranchers #stopdeforestation #preserveindigenousbiodiversity #landback
Heute ist internationaler Tag der Indigenen Völker!
Indigene Völker nehmen eine zentrale und wertvolle Rolle ein im Zuge von Umwelt- und Artenschutz und im Kampf gegen die globale Klimakrise. Auch, wenn sie zunehmend in politische Entscheidungsfindungen einbezogen werden, sind ihre grundlegenden Menschenrechte stark bedroht und allzu oft der Willkür ausgeliefert oder abhängig vom guten Willen der Mächtigen. Weltweit leben sie in ständiger Gefahr, ihr Land und Leben zu verlieren. Auch mit unserem Konsum zertrampeln wir jenseits von Europa Lebensräume und erhöhen den Druck auf das Leben der Indigenen. Wir müssen den Kampf der Indigenen für ihr Land, ihre Wälder und ihre Rechte unterstützen!
Fotos 1 und 3: Albertus Vembrianto/The Gecko Project
#TagderIndigenenVölker #IndigenousPeoplesDay #Umweltgerechtigkeit #LandRightsNow #stopdeforestation #Waldschutz #Regenwaldschutz #Klimagerechtigkeit #amplifyindigenousvoices
#tagderindigenenvolker #indigenouspeoplesday #umweltgerechtigkeit #landrightsnow #stopdeforestation #waldschutz #regenwaldschutz #klimagerechtigkeit #amplifyindigenousvoices
Beautiful 2nd growth cedar tree. Branches are covered in moss & lichens.
#GoldstreamPark #nature #DisabledHiker #InTheForest #Trees #BCparks #yyj #VictoriaBC #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #Westcoast #TheGreatOutdoors #NatureAdventure #HikingMakesMeHappy #ExploreNature #forest #cedar #mosstodon #lichens #NatureLover #CoastalTemperateRainforest #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation
#thicktrunktuesday #goldstreampark #nature #disabledhiker #InTheForest #trees #bcparks #yyj #victoriabc #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #westcoast #thegreatoutdoors #natureadventure #hikingmakesmehappy #explorenature #forest #cedar #mosstodon #lichens #naturelover #coastaltemperaterainforest #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation
@BlumeEvolution Ich antworte sogar sehr gern. Ich fand aber, dass Sie in dem Fall ausgewichen sind, da mein Kommentar Ihre Anmerkung oben betroffen hatte und Sie dann mit einem anderen Thema um die Ecke kamen. Ich wünsche Ihnen noch einen angenehmen Tag, der Ihnen hoffentlich ein bisschen Ihren Brast auf so schreckliche Menschen wie mich nehmen kann. Ciao & #goVegan 🐽 #adoptDontShop 🐶 #endTheSlaughterAge 🪿 #milkisforbabycalves 🐮 #stopSpeciesism 🐾 #stopDeforestation 🍃
#govegan #adoptdontshop #EndTheSlaughterAge #milkisforbabycalves #stopspeciesism #stopdeforestation
An enormous #OldGrowth #cedar #tree has been identified in #VancouverIsland ’s #ClayoquotSound possibly dating back over a millennium. The western #RedCedar reaches a towering height of 46 metres and stands five metres wide at its base.
It is currently the sixth largest redcedar in #Canada - according to the #BCBigTreeRegistry 🌲
#SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation #ProtectAncientForests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #StopEcocide #ecology #BigTrees
#oldgrowth #cedar #tree #vancouverisland #clayoquotsound #redcedar #canada #bcbigtreeregistry #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation #protectancientforests #CarbonSinks #biodiversity #stopecocide #ecology #bigTrees
#ThickTrunkTuesday 2 for 1 toot.
A giant #OldGrowth #cedar #stump & gnarly #maple #trees 🌲
#BigStumpsOfBC #Cowichan #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #TreesTuesday #nature #WorthMoreStanding #StopDeforestation
#thicktrunktuesday #oldgrowth #cedar #stump #maple #trees #bigstumpsofbc #Cowichan #vancouverisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #treestuesday #nature #WorthMoreStanding #stopdeforestation
#Industrial #logging is one of the country's biggest #climate #polluters with more than 10 per cent of #Canada ’s total planet-heating #emissions .
This is according to an #analysis of the #NationalInventoryReport produced by both #NatureCanada & #NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil #NRDC - #American #environmental #advocacy group.
#StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #StopDeforestation #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #WorthMoreStanding #CorporateGreed #GreedKills #TreesOverGreed
#industrial #logging #climate #polluters #canada #emissions #analysis #nationalinventoryreport #naturecanada #naturalresourcesdefensecouncil #nrdc #american #environmental #advocacy #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #stopdeforestation #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #corporategreed #greedkills #treesovergreed
Marco (Nostic) also uses #music as part of #environmental #activism 🎵🎶
Here's his #MusicVideo on #Youtube - please check it out & share if you dig it.
#Extinction - Nostic & Nicki
#SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #protectOldGrowth #SacredForests #ProtectTheSacred #PoliticalSongs #Ecology #FairyCreek #PortRenfrew #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #ActivistMusic #pacheedaht #dididaht #AncientForests #StopEcocide #biodiversity #StopDeforestation #hiphop
#music #environmental #activism #musicvideo #youtube #extinction #SaveOldGrowth #WorthMoreStanding #protectoldgrowth #sacredforests #protectthesacred #politicalsongs #ecology #FairyCreek #portrenfrew #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #activistmusic #Pacheedaht #dididaht #ancientforests #stopecocide #biodiversity #stopdeforestation #hiphop
From 2.5 yrs ago. I'm guilty & don't regret it
#environmentalists #ecologists #MatriarchRising #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #vanisle #Nanaimo #StopEcocide #VeteranActivists #StopDeforestation #TaxBillionaires #EndCorporateWelfare #CeaseEcocideSubsidies #ForestDefenders #EarthProtectors #WaterProtectors #WarriorsForMotherEarth #OneEarth #BritishColumbia #Canada #KKKanada #ColonialInjustice #FightThePower #TreesOverGreed #WorthMoreStanding #ProtectNature
#environmentalists #ecologists #matriarchrising #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #vanisle #nanaimo #stopecocide #veteranactivists #stopdeforestation #taxbillionaires #endcorporatewelfare #ceaseecocidesubsidies #forestdefenders #earthprotectors #waterprotectors #warriorsformotherearth #OneEarth #britishcolumbia #canada #KKKanada #colonialinjustice #fightthepower #treesovergreed #WorthMoreStanding #protectnature
Grandfather #ElderTree is #WorthMoreStanding 🌲🦅❤
#SaveOldGrowth #LastStandForForests #WorthMoreStanding #OldGrowth #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #ForestDefender #Grogu #StopDeforestation #SaveAncientForests #CarbonSink #ClimateChange #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #GreedKillsNature #Conservation #ecology #biodiversity #ecosystems #environmental #ProtectForests #TreesOverGreed #StopKillingTrees
#forestfriday #eldertree #WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #laststandforforests #oldgrowth #stopecocide #stopclearcuts #forestdefender #Grogu #stopdeforestation #saveancientforests #carbonsink #climatechange #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #bcndp #newdeathparty #greedkillsnature #conservation #ecology #biodiversity #ecosystems #environmental #protectforests #treesovergreed #stopkillingtrees
#Forests are an #essential part of #ClimateChange #solutions & their effective #conservation requires #empowerment of #IndigenousPeoples & #LocalCommunities or IPLCs. Around the world, #IPLCs #stewarded forests for generations. Due to growing #EconomicPressures to cut forests - current #incentives designed to keep forests standing are #inaccessible to communities living in areas of high forest, low deforestation regions, or #HFLD
#forests #essential #climatechange #solutions #conservation #empowerment #indigenouspeoples #localcommunities #iplcs #stewarded #economicpressures #incentives #inaccessible #hfld #stopdeforestation #environment #OneEarth
#Video showing the #creek , #NurseLog & message to #StopDeforestation 🌲🌲🌲
From my nature adventure today.
#Nature #Treehugger #treelover #TreesOverGreed #MillHill #Langford #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #NatureLovers #RespectNature #ProtectNature #conservation #waterway #StopEcocide
#video #creek #nurselog #stopdeforestation #nature #treehugger #treelover #treesovergreed #millhill #Langford #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #naturelovers #respectnature #protectnature #conservation #waterway #stopecocide
#Treeplanting — the main so-called #NatureBased solution intended to help #DrawDown #CarbonDioxide from the atmosphere has become a synonym for #ClimateAction . #Governments & #companies make #forestry #promises that spring up like eager saplings. That’s become a convenient way to assuage #consumer & #corporate #guilt ..
#Trees are wonderful, but they’re not a #QuickSolution to the #ClimateCrisis
#greenwashing #StopEcocide #StopDeforestation #StopClearcuts #SaveForests
#treeplanting #naturebased #drawdown #carbondioxide #climateaction #governments #companies #forestry #promises #consumer #corporate #guilt #trees #quicksolution #climatecrisis #greenwashing #stopecocide #stopdeforestation #stopclearcuts #saveforests
"Changes in #ocean circulation can affect uptake of both #heat and #CarbonDioxide over many thousands of years," Caldeira continued. "The #decisions we make about #energy systems and #deforestation over the next years will affect #Earth 's #climate for many millennia in ways that are now poorly understood."
#Antarctic #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #environmental #ecological #science #OceanSciences #OneEarth #ProtectEarth #ScienceFirst
#ocean #heat #carbondioxide #decisions #energy #deforestation #earth #climate #antarctic #climatecrisis #climatechange #stopdeforestation #stopecocide #environmental #ecological #science #oceansciences #OneEarth #protectearth #sciencefirst
#Brazilian government has scheduled a #meeting for early August to #revive the #AmazonCooperationTreatyOrganization .
The #Amazon #Cooperation #Treaty Organization #ACTO - brings together the countries that make up the Amazon.
The meeting aims to determine a #united position for the region on development & fighting #ClimateCrisis in international forums.
#Indigenous #SouthAmerica #Brazil #NativeLand #StopDeforestation #geopolitics #ClimateChange #environmental #ecology
#brazilian #meeting #revive #amazoncooperationtreatyorganization #amazon #cooperation #treaty #ACTO #united #climatecrisis #indigenous #southamerica #brazil #nativeland #stopdeforestation #geopolitics #climatechange #environmental #ecology
#GHGemissions associated with #logging & #WoodUse were approximately 75 megatonnes in 2020, matching #emissions from all of #Canada ’s #oilsands operations, & making logging one of the #HighestEmitting sectors of Canada’s economy.
Canada’s #failure to #report #LoggingEmissions is a #SeriousProblem ..
#StopEcocide #CorporateGreed #corrupt #Unethical #Dishonest #LackOfTransparency #ClimateChange #ecojustice #StopClearcutLogging #JustTransition #Degrowth #StopDeforestation
#GHGEmissions #logging #wooduse #emissions #canada #oilsands #highestemitting #failure #report #loggingemissions #seriousproblem #stopecocide #corporategreed #corrupt #unethical #dishonest #lackoftransparency #climatechange #ecojustice #stopclearcutlogging #justtransition #degrowth #stopdeforestation
A series of ancient #landslides have been "reawakened" in #BritishColumbia #Cariboo region, according to the #BCgovernment costing hundreds of millions in federal #disaster #AssistanceFunds .
While the #BCNDP links the reactivation of the slides to #ClimateChange - #experts #warn the problem is #connected to #logging in the area.
#BCpoli #StopClearcuts #StopDeforestation #Canada #PNW #PacificNorthwest #environmental #geological #StopEcocide
#landslides #britishcolumbia #cariboo #bcgovernment #disaster #assistancefunds #bcndp #climatechange #experts #warn #connected #logging #bcpoli #stopclearcuts #stopdeforestation #canada #pnw #pacificnorthwest #environmental #geological #stopecocide
RT @MikeHudema
Forest are a beautiful thing and the best carbon sequestration device out there. Let's do all we can to protect them.
We only have one planet. Defend it. #ActOnClimate
#ClimateAction #climate #energy #stopdeforestation #nature #rewilding
#rewilding #nature #stopdeforestation #energy #climate #climateaction #actonclimate
RT @MikeHudema
Forest are a beautiful thing and the best carbon sequestration device out there. Let's do all we can to protect them.
We only have one planet. Defend it. #ActOnClimate
#ClimateAction #climate #energy #stopdeforestation #nature #rewilding
#actonclimate #climateaction #climate #energy #stopdeforestation #nature #rewilding