Can anyone explain to me why the BBC is being dragged through the mud over this paying for underage pictures thing? Shouldn’t the mother have complained to the Police rather than The Sun? If you are assaulted you don’t go looking for the perpetrators employer or a red top newspaper, you go to the police. Yes, the BBC would then probably suspend them but they aren’t responsible for the actions of an employee at this stage. The British tabloids and Tories need to stop piling on the BBC. How many MPs are currently under investigation for sexual assault or rape? At least 2 Tory MPs have been imprisoned for sexual assault in recent years. I don’t recall The Tories being dragged through the mud over it? #StupidBritishPress #StopDestroyingTheBBC #ToriesOut #DontBuyTheSun
#stupidbritishpress #stopdestroyingthebbc #toriesout #dontbuythesun