Proud to stand (well, mostly sit) with such a skilled and dedicated team of activists yesterday at oily Wells Fargo HQ. We called on shareholders to vote in favor of climate justice resolutions and divest from fossil fuels. Pix & vids:
#StopDirtyBanks #StoptheMoneyPipeline #CustomersForClimateJustice #ThePeopleVsWellsFargo #extinctionrebellion #climateaction
#stopdirtybanks #stopthemoneypipeline #customersforclimatejustice #thepeoplevswellsfargo #extinctionrebellion #climateaction
Scientists and Citizens target Wells Fargo in Seattle today.
Banks must not be allowed to finance new fossil fuel projects which drive the climate crisis.
🚨#BREAKING: Extinction Rebellion activists arrested for painting Citibank on Pine St & Broadway with red paint. Citi is the world’s 2nd biggest fossil fuel funder, pumping $333B into the sector since 2016. #StoptheMoneyPipeline #ClimateChange #StopDirtyBanks #CitiDropFossilFuels
#Breaking #stopthemoneypipeline #climatechange #stopdirtybanks #citidropfossilfuels
What's up in April for #ClimateAction? Watch then join us
#climateaction #stopdirtybanks
From @SierraClub RT by @MassSierraClub: It’s the #StopDirtyBanks national day of action! Our new executive director @BenJealous is alongside @RamonCruzDiaz and @ThirdActOrg to send a strong message telling the big US banks to stop funding climate destruction.
Wells Fargo is so laughably disinterested in divesting from fossil fuels that they don’t even have a template for replying to the complaint. 🙄
This is how I feel about Citi funding fossil fuels while the world burns:
Oldies & Boldies! 100 people, mostly seniors, showed up in the pouring rain to tell the 4 dirty banks to stop funding fossil fuel projects. #climatechange #ThirdAct… #StopDirtyBanks
#climatechange #thirdact #stopdirtybanks
Yesterday I closed all my Wells Fargo accounts after 25+ years as a customer. I did this because Wells is one of the top US funders of fossil fuels.
If you’re a Wells customer, your money may be emitting more CO2 than your lifestyle! If you care about the #ClimateCrisis, you should get your money out. Ask me how - I can help.
#ClimateCrisis #stopdirtybanks
The Rocking Chair Rebellion.
RT @kellyavl
With sweet fierce elders in DC, The Rocking Chair Rebellion to #StopDirtyBanks! Join us for this 3/21 day of action:
First few images from our event this afternoon. We braved the storm, hoping that if Wells Fargo and the other big banks stop funding fossil fuel projects, we won't have too many more like this!
@thirdactorg #stopdirtybanks #ActOnClimate #32123
Attended #stopdirtybanks protest today in front of Chase Bank in downtown Boston as part of Third Act's efforts to urge big banks to stop financing fossil fuel companies. Other banks being protested today are Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citibank. The Red Rebel Brigade mourned the corporate souls of JP Morgan Chase Bank. We marched through the financial district to Bank of America.
At over 100 events across the US people demonstrated earlier today calling on banks end fossil fuel financing.
The "Stop Dirty Banks" national day of action was organized by Third Act, an alliance of activists over the age of 60 co-founded by veteran campaigner Bill McKibben, along with over 50 progressive advocacy groups. #StopDirtyBanks
RT @climatebrad
Scene from the #stopdirtybanks rocking-chair blockade of a downtown DC @Chase branch: @ultracricket enjoys Ted Glick's memoir of a lifetime in activism, while Ted and @billmckibben check their phones
The pictures are rolling in from the #StopDirtyBanks Day of Action! UCS was proud to march with @350Mass & @ThirdActOrg in downtown Boston to tell @Chase & @BankofAmerica to STOP funding climate destruction! #PeoplevsFossilFuels
#PeopleVsFossilFuels #stopdirtybanks
Banks Fleece US again.
"First Republic Bank’s regulatory filing for December 31, 2022 shows that it held $176.25 billion in deposits, of which $119.47 billion were uninsured, or 68 percent of all deposits. JPMorgan Chase’s same regulatory filing (FFIEC Call Report) for December 31, 2022 shows that at year-end it held $1.527 trillion in deposits of which an estimated $1.058 trillion were uninsured – or 69 percent.
#StopDirtyBanks #crypto #wallstreetonparade
#stopdirtybanks #Crypto #wallstreetonparade
Send a FAX to Big 4 Bank CEOs and tell them you want banks to invest in safety, security, and sustainability. Stop bankrolling fossil fuels and reduce financial & climate risks.
#StopDirtyBanks #32123 #ActOnClimate
RT @nychange
HAPPENING NOW: Hundreds of climate activists shut down NYC traffic as they march on @jpmorgan to demand an end to new fossil fuel investments.
The choice is clear: Their profits or our lives.
#StopDirtyBanks #32123