Seven years after I recorded it, the lyrics to “When Mom Was Young” have never been truer. Despite all additional information humankind has gathered over that time, humans produce *more* CO₂, not less; buy *more* SUVs, not fewer; travel *more*, not less; and criminalise those who protest and demand the 2016 Paris Climate Accords be fulfilled (like the courageous young people from the “Last Generation”) rather than those in power who refuse to fulfill the Paris Climate Accords because they are in the pockets of Big Oil.
For those who don’t find it obvious, the “Mom” the song refers to is our mother Earth. The basis for the rap part is a mash-up of Edvard Grieg’s “Åses død” (“The Death of Åse”) from “Peer Gynt” and the lead melody of the song. Here’s the rap lyrics:
Little do we notice, little do we see
Patient’s in a coma, we still can’t agree
To get her tired body to the ICU
Still we don’t act on the simple truth
Our mom is dying of our carelessness
We beat her, choke her, cause her airlessness
We still exploit her though we do know better
We act like seven billion mad hatters
Full song is on Bandcamp:
Video footage: Wildfire in a forest by Arnav Kainthola via
#ParisAccords #ParisClimateAccords #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #BigOil #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #LimitsToGrowth #Change #StopCapitalism #EndCapitalism #StopFlying #StopDrivingCars #RenewableEnergies
#parisaccords #parisclimateaccords #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #bigoil #savetheplanet #noplanetb #limitstogrowth #change #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #renewableenergies
— “But everyone else is doing it, too! Whether I do it or don’t, doesn’t change a thing!”
— Well, if you stop doing it and then communicate that and why you stopped doing it, that might make others think — and possibly change their behaviour, too. This is true for any action, be it flying, owning a car, buying fast fashion, or using to-go cups with plastic lids.
Every personal decision to do better might set off a ripple effect that might lead to change on a societal, even global scale.
(This is not to say that we could possibly save the world with personal actions alone; that requires political decisions above all. But these are based on the overall public sentiment, which in turn can be influenced by each of us.)
#LittleSteps #OneStepAtATime #SetAnExample #BehaviouralChange #Change #ButterflyEffect #RippleEffect #StopFlying #StopDrivingCars #ReducePlastic #ReduceWaste #ReduceImpact #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #StopCapitalism #EndCapitalism
#littlesteps #onestepatatime #setanexample #BehaviouralChange #change #butterflyeffect #rippleeffect #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #reduceplastic #reducewaste #reduceimpact #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #savetheplanet #noplanetb #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism
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