RT @housingrightsSF
Eviction Alert‼️: Luis, Sandra, & their kids Eduardo (12) & Mia (3) are fighting an eviction by Veritas Investments for COVID-related rent debt.
“The only thing I can see in my mind is coming home & finding a big lock on my door," said Luis. 🧵⬇️ #StopEvictions @HillaryRonen
RT @housingrightsSF
Eviction Alert‼️: Luis, Sandra, & their kids Eduardo (12) & Mia (3) are fighting an eviction by Veritas Investments for COVID-related rent debt.
“The only thing I can see in my mind is coming home & finding a big lock on my door," said Luis. 🧵⬇️ #StopEvictions @HillaryRonen
Jetzt Kundgebung vor dem Sozialdezernat #Frankfurt in Solidarität mit Emma und Helga*.
Die beiden Seniorinnen sollen ohne Ersatzwohnung mitten im Winter und mitten in der Inflation auf die Straße gesetzt werden.
#zwangsraumungenverhindern #frankfurt #Housing4All #stopevictions
Jetzt Kundgebung vor dem Sozialdezernat #Frankfurt in Solidarität mit Emma und Helga*.
Die beiden Seniorinnen sollen ohne Ersatzwohnung mitten im Winter und mitten in der Inflation auf die Straße gesetzt werden.
#zwangsraumungenverhindern #frankfurt #Housing4All #stopevictions
You wouldn’t evict a cat ! #squat #squating #stopEvictions
#squat #squating #stopevictions
RT @cllrjohansson: I'm speaking at this tonight both as a tenant facing eviction and as a PBP councillor. #HousingCrisis #stopevictions
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/paulmurphy_TD/status/1597880652489457664
V #Athény včera policie zaútočila na squaterskou čtvrť #Prosfygika. Den předtím nedošlo k evikci díky odporu obyvatel čtvrti a jejich podporovatelů. Zatčeno bylo 79 lidí.
Ve čtvrti v 8 domech bydlí cca 400 lidí, kteří z části tvoří samosprávnou komunitu. Mnozí z nich jsou uprchlíci a migranti. Řecká vláda plánuje na místě masivní development. Evikcí místním hrozí již několik let.
#atheny #prosfygika #stopevictions #fckcps #solidarity
RT @E3K19@twitter.com
(#Eigenbedarf s-) Kündigungen & #Zwangsräumung sind #Körperverletzung & können tödlich enden. In #Barcelona, #Berlin & überall. #StopDesahucios #StopEvictions #StopptZwangsräumungen worldwide! @BuendnisZRV@twitter.com @4HousingandCity@twitter.com @BVerhindern@twitter.com @mg_berlin@twitter.com @HeimatNeue@twitter.com @BMieterverein@twitter.com https://twitter.com/habitatge9b/status/1531377053597065217
#eigenbedarf #zwangsräumung #körperverletzung #barcelona #berlin #stopdesahucios #stopevictions #StopptZwangsräumungen
Concentració contra el desallotjament i enderroc de La Teixidora a Mataró (Maresme, Barcelona).
Dijous 2 de juny a les 18h davant de l'Ajuntament de Mataró.
#prouespeculació #stopdesnonaments #stopevictions #okupairesisteix #squat
Resistència Okupa a Canet de Mar (Maresme, Barcelona).
Aturem el desallotjament, salvem la Karbonella!
2 de juny a les 8h esmorzar solidari per aturar el llançament.
#squat #squatandresist
#prouespeculació #stopdesnonaments #stopevictions #okupairesisteix #squat #squatandresist
Eviction Resistance happening now in Whitechapel. #StopEvictions #SideWithRenters @LDNRentersUnion@twitter.com @UniteCommLE@twitter.com @homes4alluk@twitter.com #ResistEvictions
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EASTLONUNITECOM/status/1514152343842996233
#stopevictions #SideWithRenters #resistevictions
Who do the cops serve? Who do they protect? Why do we put up with this? We're next when our landlords or tax collector decides we cannot afford to live in Minneapolis next. #AbolishPolicing #StopEvictions
First they came for the houseless.
#AbolishPolicing #stopevictions
UN News: News in Brief 11 January 2021
#israel #EthnicCleasing #apartheid #stopevictions
RT @stafe76@twitter.com
Con @_ittos_@twitter.com facciamo il punto sulla nuova legge catalana che introduce il #RentControl. Siamo a 176 sfratti in 10 giorni a #Barcellona. Bisogna prendere l'esempio da questa iniziativa popolare, prima che finisca anche da noi la moratoria sugli sfratti. #RentStrike #stopevictions https://twitter.com/napolimonitor/status/1308722281653440513
#rentcontrol #barcellona #rentstrike #stopevictions
RT @stafe76@twitter.com
This is the number of evictions being carried out in Barcelona after the expiration of the eviction ban. 34 monday, 26 today, 32 tomorrow. NINETY-TWO EVICTIONS IN 72 HOURS. It is a war zone. #StopEvictions #RentStrike https://twitter.com/Endavant_Bcn/status/1305906918947512320
#Casablanca questo è il progetto #VillesSansBidonvilles con cui la monarchia e il governo pretendono di portare il #Marocco verso il futuro. E invece stanno trascinando migliaia di persone nella rabbia e nella delinquenza. #stopevictions #cerodesalojos #sfrattizero
#casablanca #villessansbidonvilles #marocco #stopevictions #cerodesalojos #sfrattizero