perfect comparison!
Remove the word "Nazi" and replace with "Trump", and you've reproduced the blueprint for "fascist takeover of a democratic country"
#Trump #Nazism #Fascism #Project25
#stopproject25 #stopnazism #stopfascism #disqualifytrump #trump #nazism #fascism #project25 #republicansaretheproblem #voteblue
He's a fascist sexist turd
#stopfascism #stopsexism #stopturdism #melonivergogna #poveraitalia
Das Problem heisst #Söder.
Das Problem heißt #CSU.
'Antisemitismus hat (k)einen Platz in Bayern. Bayern ist (k)ein Bollwerk gegen Rassismus und Antisemitismus' - Neun Minuten Schwurbelei von Markus Söder. Erschütternd.
#stopfascism #aiwanger
#soder #CSU #stopfascism #aiwanger
A prison officer who ran a fitness club for #fascists has been jailed for eight years for possessing a #WhiteSupremacist "murder manual".
#AshleyPodsiadSharp, from #Barnsley, kept the handbook - containing detailed advice on how to kill people in a #RaceWar - in an encrypted hard drive.
He was convicted at trial of possessing a document likely to be useful in preparing an act of #terrorism.
#fascists #whitesupremacist #ashleypodsiadsharp #barnsley #racewar #terrorism #stopfascism #stopnazism #throatpunchanazitoday
Call for an International Week of Solidarity with the Accused of 8.12.2020 from 16 to 23 September 2023
#WhoTerroriseWhom #Solidarity #International #StopFascism #Freedom
#whoterrorisewhom #solidarity #international #stopfascism #freedom
Terrorists are those who hold weapons of mass destruction and the most powerful armies in history. They are the ones who destroy our Earth and exploit its ressources. They are the ones who enslave the People and massacre the Resistants. That’s this France that has risen to the second place in the world in weapon sales. These are the bloodthirsty dictators, such as Erdogan or Mohammed bin Salman, welcome with honors at the Élysée.
We invite you to echo in various forms our determination and rage against their world, and our solidarity with people who will go to trial in Paris from October 3 to 27, 2023.
#WhoTerroriseWhom #Solidarity #International #StopFascism #Freedom #antireport
#antireport #freedom #stopfascism #international #Solidarity #whoterrorisewhom
We need to be paying attention.
As per #RightWingWatch
«In the wake of #Trump's arrest, #Anti-Semitic #Christian #Fascist #WhiteNationalist #NickFuentes pledges his #allegiance: "Forget the #Constitution, I swear allegiance to #DonaldTrump ... Long live the rightful #king of #America."»
#rightwingwatch #trump #anti #christian #fascist #whitenationalist #nickfuentes #allegiance #constitution #donaldtrump #king #america #trumparrest #stopfascism #stopantisemitism #stopchristofascism #stopwhitenationalism #throatpunchanazitoday
@energisch_ @claasgefroi Von allen Seiten wird die #noafd im Bund hofiert. Von #cducsu #fdp, Teilen der #linke und der #spd. In den Kommunen sind es sogar alle etablierten Parteien.
Es scheint, unsere "demokratischen" Parteien haben die Demokratie schon aufgegeben und sich gedanklich mit den Faschisten gemein gemacht, um später mit heiler Haut davon zu kommen.
#nonazis #stopfascism #antifaisteinehaltung #spd #linke #fdp #cducsu #noafd
I don't think that today's GOP is going to gain its sanity as @ThomHartmann wishes toward the end of today's article. I think that today's GOP needs to cease to exist by being thoroughly voted out with no hope of return. In its place, a new, traditionally conservative party must replace the MAGA extremism. That new conservative party (think in the Eisenhower mold) would work collaboratively with the Democrats and Independents for the good of the country as a whole and for democracy.
As Timothy Snyder points out, Article 3 of the 14th Amendment clearly disqualifies Trump (and many sitting Congress critters) from holding government office for which they've sworn oaths to protect the Constitution.
“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”
So why is Trump able to run when he is ineligible? Congress hasn't waived this by a 2/3 vote of both chambers.
Make no mistake about what Trump is doing in plain sight.
#stopfascism #stopstochasticterrorism
"As noted, Alito came right out and used the word “regulate” to describe what he believes Congress cannot do to the Court.
Apparently, he never read the Constitution that he pretends to interpret and enforce. For there it is, for all to see, right smack dab in the middle of Article III, the part of the Constitution that creates the Supreme Court:
“[T]he supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.”"
I hope he's right. A Democratic trifecta in 2024 would be a huge step toward fixing the damage the GOP has been doing for the last 40 years.
Statement by the International Federation Of Journalists ( #IFJ ):
"We stand in solidarity with journalist #RobertoSaviano, whose #TV program on public broadcaster #RAI was cancelled due to reported pressure from ( #Italy's ) #FarRight government. #FreedomOfExpression is the cornerstone of #Democracy!"
#ifj #robertosaviano #tv #rai #italy #farright #freedomofexpression #democracy #iostoconsaviano #salvinipagliaccio #melonivergogna #stopfascism #stopauthoritarianism #internationalfederationofjournalists