KLM ✈️ has to reduce flights by order of government
(because of noise pollution)
Court rules that "interests of residents" actually matter
#KLM #stopflying
Seven years after I recorded it, the lyrics to “When Mom Was Young” have never been truer. Despite all additional information humankind has gathered over that time, humans produce *more* CO₂, not less; buy *more* SUVs, not fewer; travel *more*, not less; and criminalise those who protest and demand the 2016 Paris Climate Accords be fulfilled (like the courageous young people from the “Last Generation”) rather than those in power who refuse to fulfill the Paris Climate Accords because they are in the pockets of Big Oil.
For those who don’t find it obvious, the “Mom” the song refers to is our mother Earth. The basis for the rap part is a mash-up of Edvard Grieg’s “Åses død” (“The Death of Åse”) from “Peer Gynt” and the lead melody of the song. Here’s the rap lyrics:
Little do we notice, little do we see
Patient’s in a coma, we still can’t agree
To get her tired body to the ICU
Still we don’t act on the simple truth
Our mom is dying of our carelessness
We beat her, choke her, cause her airlessness
We still exploit her though we do know better
We act like seven billion mad hatters
Full song is on Bandcamp: https://babumenos.bandcamp.com/track/when-mom-was-young
Video footage: Wildfire in a forest by Arnav Kainthola via https://www.pexels.com/video/wildfire-in-a-forest-7448357
#ParisAccords #ParisClimateAccords #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #BigOil #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #LimitsToGrowth #Change #StopCapitalism #EndCapitalism #StopFlying #StopDrivingCars #RenewableEnergies
#parisaccords #parisclimateaccords #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #bigoil #savetheplanet #noplanetb #limitstogrowth #change #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #renewableenergies
— “But everyone else is doing it, too! Whether I do it or don’t, doesn’t change a thing!”
— Well, if you stop doing it and then communicate that and why you stopped doing it, that might make others think — and possibly change their behaviour, too. This is true for any action, be it flying, owning a car, buying fast fashion, or using to-go cups with plastic lids.
Every personal decision to do better might set off a ripple effect that might lead to change on a societal, even global scale.
(This is not to say that we could possibly save the world with personal actions alone; that requires political decisions above all. But these are based on the overall public sentiment, which in turn can be influenced by each of us.)
#LittleSteps #OneStepAtATime #SetAnExample #BehaviouralChange #Change #ButterflyEffect #RippleEffect #StopFlying #StopDrivingCars #ReducePlastic #ReduceWaste #ReduceImpact #ClimateChange #ClimateCatastrophe #SaveThePlanet #NoPlanetB #StopCapitalism #EndCapitalism
#littlesteps #onestepatatime #setanexample #BehaviouralChange #change #butterflyeffect #rippleeffect #stopflying #stopdrivingcars #reduceplastic #reducewaste #reduceimpact #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #savetheplanet #noplanetb #stopcapitalism #endcapitalism
Oi, #BBC, just stop giving flights as prizes in competitions please!
#climateemergency #climatecrisis #stopflying #bbc
In our book on Sustainable Sailing I've grouped some changes as "The big wins", so far I have:
- Abandon New
- Right Sizing
- Sorting out your poop
- Adding more simplicity
- Add more DIY
- Add more time
- Stop Flying
- Pareto Vegan
Of these "Stop Flying" seems incredibly significant (as a way of cutting #emissions); a challenge to a huge temptation when world cruising; and incredibly controversial.
What is your take on #StopFlying ? Do we push it?
Book at https://sustainablesailing.codeberg.page/
‘solar geoengineering could be considered a one-time shot to mitigate extreme suffering and death caused by climate change.
we just don’t know enough about the side effects of these technologies.
“We only have one atmosphere. We cannot risk further damaging it through a poorly understood shortcut to fixing the damage we already caused,”’
#juststopoil #climatecrisis #stopflying #makedo
Supposedly a demonstration flight based on 100% synthetic aviation fuel for one engine.
Immediately red flag: It's Emirates! So we can assume it to be part of UAE's greenwashing campaing which will culminate at COP28!
Then we get into the details: it's based on biofuel. Therefore not sustainable. Crop sugars to be specific. Which will displace food production, drive deforestation, worsen food shortages as a result of climate change, and directly use a great deal of energy and pollution.
It does have the aromatics, which means the theory that SAF can't be blended at 100% without aromatics remains plausible.
Also what Boeing says about the Auxiliary Power Unit (basically a generator that runs on jet fuel) is suspicious. The press coverage implies that it was used in one main engine. Maybe it wasn't even that?
Bottom line: No #Biofuels !
The only way to sustainably keep flying is genuine SAF based on carbon captured from the air or industrial processes. Conflating genuine SAF with biofuels is #Greenwashing !
Real bottom line: Our best strategy for reducing aviation emissions is to fly less. We can do this in a fair way because 70% of flights are taken by 15% of people. Start by severely taxing frequent flyers and private jets, and no more airport expansion! #StopFlying
Sources: (both a little too enthusiastic)
#biofuels #greenwashing #stopflying
@JohanEmpa I know you are a keen advocate of #carbonremoval, but I beg you walk the fine line between doing your best with what is available (aka #greenserver, #treeplanting) and promoting the belief that buying #greencredits or paying into #carbonoffsets will actually REMOVE carbon from the atmosphere. It wont'. #Additionality is barely alive, in fact I'd argue it's long dead. #reduceemissions first, aka #stopflying.
#carbonremoval #greenserver #treeplanting #greencredits #carbonoffsets #additionality #reduceemissions #stopflying
#WaterOfLeith in #Edinburgh today.
If you live on the ground floor in the #Shore, #Leith or #Granton area this is a good time to start looking for a new place to live, before you lose your belongings in a flood.
It's about to get very very bad.
#climate #ClimateChange #Scotland #Edinburgh #ClimateEmergency #JustStopOil #StopFlying #GoVegan
#waterofleith #edinburgh #shore #leith #granton #climate #climatechange #scotland #climateemergency #JustStopOil #stopflying #govegan
Sehr eindrücklich dargestellt, wie groß die Wirksamkeit von #flyingless und #stopflying ist ⬇✈🌍
📕 👇 https://www.oekom.de/buch/die-kunst-der-ausrede-9783962383893
From the Elon:
Alfred Blokhuizen
@alfredblokhuize TwHdl
Transl fr Dutch
Still quirky, Transporting the case (€32.00) is at
more expensive than the passenger. There is something hopelessly wrong with the price € 20.00 for 3250 km.
#Schiphol #StopFlying
Interessant stuk van GroenLinks over de krimp van Schiphol.
Is niet echt een clickbaity stuk maar zeker de moeite waard.
#Schiphol #StopFlying
@kacytillman Thanks Kacy, just another excellent argument to #stopflying for me!
I want to get serious about global warming. I want to stop air plane flights. Just one flight is the equivalent of 1000 families driving their gas guzzlers per year. In this age, we can use the phone. Let's get serious about the environment. #StopFlying
Wow, what a fuckin' shock. I'm amazed and stunned. Really shaken me to my core, this revelation of the blindingly fucking obvious...
Schiphol is unknowingly supporting the climate march on the airport today
L'avenir de l'aviation ? Le canadair 🔥 🔥 🔥 !
The only way to hit net zero by 2050 is to stop flying
Atterrisons et vite 🛬
=> Entrons en résistance climatique : https://www.resistanceclimatique.org/strategie
#nofly #restonsausol #stopflying #climatechange #ChangementClimatique
#nofly #restonsausol #stopflying #climatechange #changementclimatique
Exemple de dissonance cognitive : on dit viser la neutralité carbone d'un territoire (tri, réduction en tout genre...) et en même temps augmenter le trafic aérien (emploi...). Bilan...
#nofly #stopflying #stayontheground #restonsausol #climatechange #ChangementClimatique
#nofly #stopflying #stayontheground #restonsausol #climatechange #changementclimatique
Quand la ministre des transports se permet un A/R en avion pour qqs jours, elle se fait rappeler les enjeux inscrits dans la loi (SNBC - Stratégie Nationale Bas Carbone) et donc les conséquences d'un vol en avion quant à notre cible de moins de 2T CO2/hab d'ici 2050 (neutralité carbone) !
#nofly #stopflying #climatechange #ChangementClimatique #restonsausol
#nofly #stopflying #climatechange #changementclimatique #restonsausol