Auch wenn sie heute von Wasser Nebel auf harten Strahl gewechselt haben so schnell bekommt Ihr uns nicht von der #A12 außer Ihr beginnt mit angemesser Politik gegen die #Klimakrise #StopFossieleSubsidies
#a12 #klimakrise #stopfossielesubsidies
Tag Drei der #A12 Blockade.
Wir haben die A12 erneut mit mutigen Menschen von #XR blockiert und die Blockade 2 Stunden gegen harten Wasserwerfer- Einsatz und riesiges Polizeiaufgebot gehalten.
Der fossile Wahnsinn muss aufhören!
#a12 #xr #stopfossielesubsidies
3rd consecutive day of the #A12 blockade. Hundreds of activists today, and more will follow the coming days.
Their demand to the Dutch govt: stop doling out 37.5 billion euros of fossil subsidies every year. #StopFossieleSubsidies #XR #A12 #klimaat #climateprotest #climatecrisis
#a12 #stopfossielesubsidies #xr #klimaat #climateprotest #climatecrisis
Today at the #stopfossielesubsidies support demonstration, Scientist Rebellion and
@sciforfuture_NL explain the causes and consequences of global heating.
Stopping fossil fuel subsidies can heavily reduce CO2-emissions, and is thus a no-brainer in the climate crisis.
Scientists again among A12 arrests. Why should the Dutch gov. stop its €37.5 billion subsidy to the fossil fuel industry? July 2023 was globally the hottest month on record. Many regions saw unlivable temperatures & droughts. "The evidence is clear: the time for action is now." #XR #A12 #klimaat #climateprotest #climatecrisis #StopFossielesubsidies
#xr #a12 #klimaat #climateprotest #climatecrisis #stopfossielesubsidies
Scientist Rebellion are back on the A12, with @extinctionrebellionnl for a second day. We have published research, written letters, signed petitions. Direct action is our last resort to protest against the 37.5 billion euros per year of Dutch gov. subsidies to the fossil fuel industry. #XR #A12 #klimaat #climateprotest #climatecrisis #StopFossielesubsidies
#xr #a12 #klimaat #climateprotest #climatecrisis #stopfossielesubsidies
PAYS-BAS 🇳🇱 : Au moins 10 000 militants d’@extinctionrebellionnl bloquent depuis hier le tronçon #Utrechtsebaan de l’autoroute #A12 dans le centre de #LaHaye, ville où siège le gouvernement néerlandais…
▶️ Ceci afin de réclamer la fin des subventions aux #ÉnergiesFossiles.
▶️ Selon un communiqué d’#ExtinctionRebellion, ils étaient même 25 000 hier en début d’après-midi... #StopFossieleSubsidies #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid #DenHaag #StopAutoroutes #A69 #PaysBas
#utrechtsebaan #a12 #lahaye #energiesfossiles #ExtinctionRebellion #stopfossielesubsidies #klimaatrechtvaardigheid #denhaag #stopautoroutes #a69 #paysbas
is er al ergens een reactie
gekomen vanuit
de volksvertegenwoordiging?
ben ik wel benieuwd naar
#A12 #StopFossieleSubsidies #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid
#a12 #stopfossielesubsidies #klimaatrechtvaardigheid
Hoeveel mensen zijn er deze keer gearresteerd bij de #KlimaatDemonstratie op de #a12 ?
En hoe zal het OM deze keer reageren....
#StopFossieleSubsidies #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid #a12blokkade
#klimaatdemonstratie #a12 #stopfossielesubsidies #klimaatrechtvaardigheid #a12blokkade
Auch wir sind zur #A12 um klar zu machen #StopFossieleSubsidies
Der "Arrestie"- Nummerngenerator zeigt für die Zahl 4530. So viele wollen ungehorsam sein. Das wird spanned
Next to the A12 blockade, at the support demo, you can find the @ScientistRebellion_NL and @sciforfuture_NL stall with information about the climate emergency. You can find out how to get involved in the climate movement as a scientist, academic or scholar to #stopfossielesubsidies #climatejustice #ScientistRebellion #sciencenotsilence
#stopfossielesubsidies #climatejustice #scientistrebellion #sciencenotsilence
Martijn Katan: "Waarom ik deze zaterdag de A12 ga blokkeren"
#a12 #fossielvrij #stopfossielesubsidies #extinctionrebellion
New research shows that the Dutch government spends 35.7 billion euros a year on fossil fuel subsidies.
With that money, we could end poverty, make public transport free, fix the messes that education & healthcare have become, rebuild social housing, ignite a green revolution for a sustainable future, and have some left over.
We get to vote soon, please vote wisely. Political choices have consequences.
#climateactionnow #stopfossielesubsidies
Vandaag hielden XR rebellen overal in het land een ‘die-in’ tijdens het luchtalarm. Om de regering er nogmaals op te wijzen dat we in een klimaatnoodtoestand leven. Volgens het vandaag verschenen onderzoek van o.a. SOMO, zijn er jaarlijks eu 37,5 miljard fossiele subsidies. In 2023 zagen we ongekende klimaatrampen en chaos. Overal ter wereld verliezen mensen hun thuis, levenswijze en hun levens. Zolang de uitstoot van broeikasgassen niet stopt, wordt dit nog érger. #StopFossieleSubsidies!
New calculations show that the Dutch govt spends 37.5 billion euros on fossil subsidies annually. That's €37,500,000,000 to fund wildfires, droughts, floods, heatwaves, famine, extinction, and displacement of communities. #StopFossieleSubsidies
"Even if you only have a bit of energy to work on the climate, speak up and come to demonstrate."
Nina, a Scientist Rebellion member and biomedical researcher, explains why she's joining the A12 blockade on September 9.
#StopFossieleSubsidies #A12 #Klimaatcrisis
#stopfossielesubsidies #a12 #klimaatcrisis
"What frustrates me the most is that scientists have been saying for so long that it's getting worse". Scientist Rebellion member and climate scientist Iris Keizer explains why we're blocking the A12 on Sept 9th. #StopFossieleSubsidies #A12 #Klimaatcrisis
#stopfossielesubsidies #a12 #klimaatcrisis
Ik vind dit wel een goed idee voor @extinctionrebellionnl. In steden parkeerplekken bezetten tegen fossiele subsidies.
EN below👇
Op 9 September komen we in Den Haag samen met @extinctionrebellionnl op de A12 om tegen fossiele subsiedes te demonstreren. Wij zijn in de support demo en in de blokkade actief bezig. Doe met je familie bij ons mee!
On 9 september we get together in The Hague to demonstrate against fossil fuel subsidies. We are active in both the support demo and in the blockade. Bring your family and join us!
#stopfossielesubsidies #klimaatcrisis #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateAction
#stopfossielesubsidies #klimaatcrisis #extinctionrebellion #climateaction