#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
I met some wonderful, friendly, people during the last XR-A12 support demo against fossil subsidies.
A much needed breath of fresh air.
After that, I can cope with the climate haters around me for another half year.
Good thing we have another one in six days!
Attending is free! you can reach the site by foot, bike or rail.
Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies #energy
Amsterdam Schiphol airport grew by 20%
(to 28 700 000 passengers in the first half of 2023 !)
Please support the XR protests against tax free kerosine on Sept 9th in the Hague.
If you want to attend, you can reach the site by foot, bike, bus or rail.
Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#energy #stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
Heute entscheiden die Ecuadorianer*innen, ob das Öl in Yasuní, einem der wichtigsten Naturschutzgebiete im Amazonas, im Boden bleibt oder nicht.
Neben den vorgezogenen Präsidentschaftswahlen sind die ecuadorianischen Bürgerinnen und Bürger aufgerufen, sich auch an der Volksabstimmung zu beteiligen, mit der ein JA zum Stopp der Erdölförderung mitten im Yasuní-Nationalpark gefordert wird.
#yasuni #nooil #stopfossil #pachamama #ecuador
Per fermare la crisi climatica, dobbiamo fermare il finanziamento dei combustibili fossili.
#climate #stopoil #stopfossil
Resisting Corporate Colonialism, Why we must #StopEACOP Now
#climate #stopoil #stopfossil #STOPEACOP
Very important, thank you.
It is not so that there haven't been such studies in the past.
The Pennsylvania Alliance for Clean Water and Air has more:
How much more scientific proof must there be to initiate a chance for the better?
#fracking #VOC #PAK #cancer #DamageToHealth #poverty #StopFossil #NoOil #PetroFascism
#fracking #voc #PAK #cancer #damagetohealth #poverty #stopfossil #nooil #petrofascism
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
After being plagued by a Heatwave and Typhoon, 40 000 scouts are flying back home this weekend.
Please support the XR protests against tax free kerosine on Sept 9th in the Hague.
If you want to attend, you can reach the site by foot, bike or rail.
Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
Winter #heatwave in Andes is sign of things to come, scientists warn.
Temperaturs are at higest Level since start of measurements 72 years ago. Snow melting below 3000 m altitude.
Indiferent regions 37 to 40,5 degree. And now, the Al Nino annomaly is now not on it's maximum, this will be around start of 2024. The #climateemergeny has a relevant part in this. After relativ early fires this year, and more heatwaves then in former times, this is #catastropy .
#stopfossil #catastropy #climateemergeny #heatwave
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
#r1jn reports : 22000 americans and 1200 Dutch soccer supporters are flying back and forth to New Zealand to watch tomorrows world cup match.
Please support the XR protests against tax free kerosine on Sept 9th in the Hague.
If you want to attend, you can reach the site by foot, bike or rail. Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#r1jn #stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
#StopFossieleSubsidies @Barbarast
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
In order to stop fossil subsidies, XR regularly organizes a road block near the Dutch capitol.
<s> This coming weekend another peaceful initiative will take place : "Clog Schiphol". 210 000 people are expected to storm the airport. Authorities are puzzled how to respond since all of them have bought valid tickets!
Last year the initiative was a great success and got a lot of media coverage </s>
#stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
"Erste Bohrung für Erdwärme unter Gehsteig" https://wien.orf.at/stories/3216084/
Es werden ja immer mehr von diesen Projekten. Das Interessante hier ist, dass auf öffentlichem Grund gebohrt werden darf.
Klingt ganz gut, zuerst thermisch saniert, Photovoltaikanlage dazu. 👍 Aber das klingt ein bisschen irr für mich: "bereits vier Erdwärmesonden im engen Innenhof mit 100 bis 150 Metern Tiefe [...] Um alle 15 Wohnungen mit Erdwärme versorgen zu können, wurden jetzt noch drei Bohrungen durchgeführt. Da im Innenhof kein Platz mehr war, mussten die Projektbetreiber auf den öffentlichen Grund ausweichen." Wenn das alle machen?! Aber machen sie eh nicht, passt schon. 😁
"Ein wichtiger Schritt für den Umstieg von Gas auf Wärmepumpen ist die thermische Sanierung. So konnte bei diesem Projekt etwa zwei Drittel des Wärmeverbrauchs eingespart werden."
Das ist schon eindrucksvoll. Vor allem, weil thermische Sanierung ja nichts Neues ist, und es da in letzter Zeit auch keine großen Technologiesprünge gegeben hat. Die hätten das schon vor zehn oder zwanzig Jahren haben können. Das Gas war einfach zu billig.
#Zwölfergasse #erdwarme #erdwarmepumpe #tiefenbohrung #tiefenbohrungen #wien #vienna #osterreich #energiewende #rausausÖlundgas #rausAusGas #stopBurningThings #1150Wien #1150 #NoMoreFossilFuels #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels
#zwolfergasse #erdwarme #erdwarmepumpe #tiefenbohrung #tiefenbohrungen #Wien #vienna #osterreich #Energiewende #rausausolundgas #RausAusGas #stopburningthings #1150wien #NoMoreFossilFuels #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels
Huuuch. Das überrascht mich jetzt aber. 😱 Ironie off.
Und das sie man sich jetzt mal mit dem #Atommüll vor.
#FossilLobby #stopfossil #stopfossilesubventionen
Ewigkeitskosten vor Gericht: Grubenflutung im Saarland und NRW geplant - FOCUS online
#atommull #FossilLobby #stopfossil #stopfossilesubventionen
#oil #stopfossil #keepitintheground
« #Italy's Last Generation ( Ultima Generazione - #UG ) group staged the latest in series of acts o #CivilDisobedience 2 highlight need 2 tackle the #ClimateCrisis on Thursday when 6 protestors went topless, blocking traffic in central #Rome.
The 6 sat down on a zebra crossing on busy #ViaDelTritone street leading to #PiazzaBarberini with " #StopFossil " written on their backs, holding banner saying "We Won't Pay for Fossil Fuels".»
#italy #ug #civildisobedience #climatecrisis #rome #viadeltritone #piazzabarberini #stopfossil #climateaction #climatechange
The final curtain hasn't fallen yet, at least formally:
»White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said "no final decisions have been made" on the project. "Anyone who says there has been a final decision is wrong."«
At least there is still a (theoretical) chance, that betrayal of local and future population will not happen.
Christfried Lenz im PV-Magazin: »Deren [der Ampel ihr] Erfolg an der „Erdgas-Front“ soll nun auch noch durch ein Greenwashing-Programm langfristig abgesichert werden, indem die Klimaschädlichkeit des Brennstoffs durch „Carbon Capture and Storage“ (CCS) in den
#stopfossil #politikversagen #ccs