I hope the blockage of the #A12 in The Hague today at 12:00 will be as big as it was yesterday.
No More Fossil Fuel Subsidies!!!
#XR #StopFossilFuels #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #StopFossieleSubsidies #A12Blokkade #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateJustice
#A12 #xr #stopfossilfuels #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #StopFossieleSubsidies #a12blokkade #ExtinctionRebellion #ClimateJustice
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
I met some wonderful, friendly, people during the last XR-A12 support demo against fossil subsidies.
A much needed breath of fresh air.
After that, I can cope with the climate haters around me for another half year.
Good thing we have another one in six days!
Attending is free! you can reach the site by foot, bike or rail.
Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies #energy
Amsterdam Schiphol airport grew by 20%
(to 28 700 000 passengers in the first half of 2023 !)
Please support the XR protests against tax free kerosine on Sept 9th in the Hague.
If you want to attend, you can reach the site by foot, bike, bus or rail.
Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#energy #stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
Closed up the house, turned on the heat pump’s ac, cranked up the HEPA filter and watching 'Hi Nellie’ with Paul Muni, Glenda Farrell. AQI is152 in Seattle, getting worse. Cancelled my 8am pool appointment. #wildfires #asthma #stopfossilfuels #climateemergency #masks
#wildfires #asthma #stopfossilfuels #climateemergency #masks
In #Kampala stehen 9 Studierende vor Gericht, weil sie gegen die Öl-Pipeline #EACOP protestiert haben. Sie sind lediglich auf Kaution frei und warten auf ihren Prozess. Der Vorwurf: ihre Demo habe öffentliches Ärgernis erregt.
Petition -> https://regenwald.org/petitionen/1269?t=362-18-1313-1
#ClimateActionNow #stopfossilfuels #KeepItInTheGround #stopoil #africa #nature #klimakrise #climatecrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #uganda #petition #EastAfricanCrudeOilPipeline
#kampala #eacop #STOPEACOP #climateactionnow #stopfossilfuels #keepitintheground #stopoil #Africa #nature #klimakrise #climatecrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #uganda #petition #eastafricancrudeoilpipeline
Norway is well prepared for floods and adverse weather, but is being hit hard by the #ClimateEmergency with loss of life & massive impacts for people
This is an #ElNino year, but also a tipping point. We haven't seen the worst yet
We must act now:
Support developing nations #Kyoto
Prepare for even worse
#climateemergency #elnino #stopfossilfuels #kyoto #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #climatejustice #KlimaKrise #klimakatastrophe #extremeurgenceclimatique #klimaatkrisis
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
After being plagued by a Heatwave and Typhoon, 40 000 scouts are flying back home this weekend.
Please support the XR protests against tax free kerosine on Sept 9th in the Hague.
If you want to attend, you can reach the site by foot, bike or rail.
Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
#StopFossieleSubsidies #stopfossilfuels
Berlin University professor demands :
"100 euros for a liter of fuel"
#stopfossilfuels #StopFossieleSubsidies
Die #Forderung bei der #Brenner-#Autobahn-#Blockade heute war die Umsetzung der 93 Empfehlungen des Klimarates vom vergangenen Jahr.
Gibt's die online in keiner besseren Form als das hier? https://klimarat.org/dokumentation/empfehlungen/
Ein 100-seitiges PDF und ein 49-minütiges Youtubevideo von der Pressekonferenz? Übersehe ich da was?
#a13 #osterreich #brennerautobahn #klimarat
#93empfehlungen #austria #klima #systemchange #klimakrise #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #stopfossilfuels #ClimateDiary #tempo100
#forderung #Brenner #autobahn #blockade #a13 #osterreich #brennerautobahn #klimarat #93empfehlungen #austria #klima #systemchange #KlimaKrise #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #stopfossilfuels #ClimateDiary #tempo100
#Zukunftsjob #Sachverständige bei der #Hagelversicherung? 🌪️🌧️🌬️🌡️☀️
https://kaernten.orf.at/stories/3217906/ "Enorme #Hagelschäden in der Landwirtschaft"
"20.000 Hektar von insgesamt 50.000 Hektar in Kärnten sind laut Hagelversicherung bei den Unwettern mit Sturm und Hagel beschädigt worden."
"Betroffen ist jeder zweite versicherte Landwirt in Kärnten und 90 Prozent der Bauern sind versichert"
#osterreich #karnten #SpittalDrau #Feldkirchen #StVeit #Völkermarkt #Wolfsberg #Mais #Soja #Grünland #Gemüse #felder #ernte #ernte2023 #erntezeit #Erntebilanz #Schadensbegutachtung #versicherung #sturm #hagel #unwetter #schadensmeldung #schadenserhebung #landwirt #austria #klima #systemchange #klimakrise #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #stopfossilfuels #ClimateDiary
#zukunftsjob #sachverstandige #hagelversicherung #hagelschaden #osterreich #karnten #spittaldrau #feldkirchen #stveit #volkermarkt #wolfsberg #mais #soja #grunland #gemuse #felder #ernte #ernte2023 #erntezeit #Erntebilanz #schadensbegutachtung #versicherung #Sturm #hagel #unwetter #schadensmeldung #schadenserhebung #landwirt #austria #klima #systemchange #KlimaKrise #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #stopfossilfuels #ClimateDiary
Vielleicht gehören diese Nachrichtenkategorien überdacht? Hat ja nichts miteinander zu tun, oder? 🤔
"Umwelt & Klima
Pariser Klimaziele nicht mehr erreichbar"
OMV: Größter Gasfund in Österreich seit 40 Jahren"
(ORF.at, 28.7.2023)
#osterreich #austria #klima #systemchange #klimakrise #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #ipcc #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #omv #gas #rausausgas #rausausgasundol #stopfossilfuels #stopfossilnow #ClimateDiary #klimaziele
#osterreich #austria #klima #systemchange #KlimaKrise #klimakatastrophe #klimawandel #ipcc #climatebreakdown #climatechange #climatecatastrophe #omv #gas #RausAusGas #rausausgasundol #stopfossilfuels #stopfossilnow #ClimateDiary #KlimaZiele
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
#r1jn reports : 22000 americans and 1200 Dutch soccer supporters are flying back and forth to New Zealand to watch tomorrows world cup match.
Please support the XR protests against tax free kerosine on Sept 9th in the Hague.
If you want to attend, you can reach the site by foot, bike or rail. Flavors : "non-violent" and "non-violent-legal"
#r1jn #stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
#StopFossieleSubsidies @Barbarast
#ClimateCrisis #StopFossilFuels #stopfossil #StopFossilSubsidies
In order to stop fossil subsidies, XR regularly organizes a road block near the Dutch capitol.
<s> This coming weekend another peaceful initiative will take place : "Clog Schiphol". 210 000 people are expected to storm the airport. Authorities are puzzled how to respond since all of them have bought valid tickets!
Last year the initiative was a great success and got a lot of media coverage </s>
#stopfossilsubsidies #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels #climatecrisis #StopFossieleSubsidies
THIS IS A STARK WAKE-UP CALL FOR THE WORLD ENTIRE!! Canada 🇨🇦 is literally on fire 🔥🔥🔥!!! #climatecrisis #climateemergency #StopFossilFuels #climateactionnow
#climatecrisis #climateemergency #stopfossilfuels #climateactionnow
"Erste Bohrung für Erdwärme unter Gehsteig" https://wien.orf.at/stories/3216084/
Es werden ja immer mehr von diesen Projekten. Das Interessante hier ist, dass auf öffentlichem Grund gebohrt werden darf.
Klingt ganz gut, zuerst thermisch saniert, Photovoltaikanlage dazu. 👍 Aber das klingt ein bisschen irr für mich: "bereits vier Erdwärmesonden im engen Innenhof mit 100 bis 150 Metern Tiefe [...] Um alle 15 Wohnungen mit Erdwärme versorgen zu können, wurden jetzt noch drei Bohrungen durchgeführt. Da im Innenhof kein Platz mehr war, mussten die Projektbetreiber auf den öffentlichen Grund ausweichen." Wenn das alle machen?! Aber machen sie eh nicht, passt schon. 😁
"Ein wichtiger Schritt für den Umstieg von Gas auf Wärmepumpen ist die thermische Sanierung. So konnte bei diesem Projekt etwa zwei Drittel des Wärmeverbrauchs eingespart werden."
Das ist schon eindrucksvoll. Vor allem, weil thermische Sanierung ja nichts Neues ist, und es da in letzter Zeit auch keine großen Technologiesprünge gegeben hat. Die hätten das schon vor zehn oder zwanzig Jahren haben können. Das Gas war einfach zu billig.
#Zwölfergasse #erdwarme #erdwarmepumpe #tiefenbohrung #tiefenbohrungen #wien #vienna #osterreich #energiewende #rausausÖlundgas #rausAusGas #stopBurningThings #1150Wien #1150 #NoMoreFossilFuels #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels
#zwolfergasse #erdwarme #erdwarmepumpe #tiefenbohrung #tiefenbohrungen #Wien #vienna #osterreich #Energiewende #rausausolundgas #RausAusGas #stopburningthings #1150wien #NoMoreFossilFuels #stopfossil #stopfossilfuels
@WBOrcutt @pvonhellermannn @rbreich Yes, it is uo to each of us to take action. We can act as individuals by changing our economic behavior, driving less, electrifying our homes, etc. And we can take collective action by joining a local or national climate justice oraganization. Through our actions, we have to force corporations to change and politicians to act. #ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #StopFossilFuels
#climatecrisis #climatejustice #stopfossilfuels
Sunrise . . . #cologne #welzow #kohleausstiegost #climateemergency #stopfossilfuels #tomorrowistoolate #aidansarmy #embersquad #nosmallcreator #nokiax20 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ct5go-Tqrih/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cologne #welzow #kohleausstiegost #climateemergency #stopfossilfuels #tomorrowistoolate #aidansarmy #embersquad #nosmallcreator #nokiax20
Solstice Stripes . . . #cologne #climateemergency #globalwarming #showyourstripes #universityofreading #fridaysforfuture #stopfossilfuels #tomorrowistoolate #aidansarmy #embersquad #oscarstembridge #nosmallcreator https://www.instagram.com/p/CtvtTtusIL0/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#cologne #climateemergency #globalwarming #showyourstripes #universityofreading #fridaysforfuture #stopfossilfuels #tomorrowistoolate #aidansarmy #embersquad #oscarstembridge #nosmallcreator
Welcoming us at #BonnClimateConference today!
#stopfossilfuels #FeministClimateJustice
#BonnClimateConference #stopfossilfuels #FeministClimateJustice
Wer sich schlau machen möchte, warum #KlimaSchutz nun so teuer wird, warum wir für das Erreichen #klimaneutralbis2030 überhaupt ein #Heizungsgesetz brauchen und wie weit uns die #CDU zurück geworfen hat, der lese bitte diesen hervorragenden Artikel der #taz
Danach empfehle ich Euch das Buch #Schockwellen von Claudia #Kempfert.
#KlimakriseISTjetzt #Energiewende #stopfossilfuels #FossilLobby #Union #Deutschland #PeopleNotProfit #ThereIsNoPlanetB
#KlimaSchutz #klimaneutralbis2030 #heizungsgesetz #cdu #taz #schockwellen #Kempfert #KlimakriseISTjetzt #Energiewende #stopfossilfuels #FossilLobby #union #deutschland #PeopleNotProfit #ThereIsNoPlanetB