Will Potter on How the State and the Media Go After Radical Movements
We’re in an unprecedented rollback of #CivilLiberties. States are passing laws to #OutlawProtests and #DirectAction, charging non-violent protesters with “#DomesticTerrorism” and #legalizing the #RunningOver of people blocking traffic. #StateSurveillance of activists has increased dramatically. Police budgets are getting astronomical increases to further militarize the state. In Atlanta, in the #StopCopCity campaign, police #assassinated a #ForestDefender, #Tortuguita, who had their hands up and then tried to claim self-defense.
To put this all in context, we talk with investigative journalist and author Will Potter (@will_potter). We discuss the #StopHuntington #AnimalCruelty campaign, the #EarthLiberationFront, the taming down of climate actions in the 2010s and how the police state ignored right wing terror groups in the same period.
We also discuss the role of the #FBI and the liberal #CorporateMedia in going after radical movements, how Cop City is shifting things and where popular culture fits into the story.
#civilliberties #outlawprotests #directaction #domesticterrorism #legalizing #runningover #statesurveillance #stopcopcity #assassinated #forestdefender #tortuguita #stophuntington #animalcruelty #earthliberationfront #fbi #corporatemedia