It's important for people to realise that there as many forms of bullying, as there are of DV/FV. It can be #deprivation #rejection #EmotionalBlackmail #financial #AbuseOfAuthority, as well as #physical & #mental.
Most of these can be - and are - used by children against children, adults against children, adults against adults, and authorities against civilians.
#Intimidation is an obvious form of bullying, and something most people (including children) recognise. #SystemicAbuse is also recognisable, but less obvious. It is more noticeable in the victims' responses to certain actions, or sights.
#soapbox #deprivation #rejection #emotionalblackmail #financial #abuseofauthority #physical #mental #intimidation #systemicabuse #breakthecycle #stopbullying #stopinstitutionalisedabuse