RT @MiningWatch
Solidarity with #Colombia➡️ Statement
SIGN to call on the Colombian govt to withdraw from treaties that allow 🇨🇴 2 be sued in tribunals designed by & for transnational corps 1/
Nederland stapt zelf uit het Energy Charter Treaty wegens dreigende ISDS-claims, maar faciliteert nog steeds via investeringsverdragen claims van fossiele bedrijven tegen landen in Afrika, Azië en Latijns-Amerika. Tijd om die verdragen te herzien!
ABC News: Menthol cigarettes to be banned, and others to be made ugly colours, in further efforts to end smoking
Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET):
Fossil fuel companies are using #ISDS to sue governments in secretive tribunals when they pass laws to protect the climate. It is time for governments at COP27 to put an end to this dangerous system. https://sites.google.com/view/isds-and-climate/en #stopISDS #exitECT #COP27
NoWay!!: get ready for the lawsuits from CorporateMafiaFucks for interfering with their profits
#isds #stopisds #exitect #cop27
RT @UmweltinstitutM@twitter.com
Wir fordern:
- keine Ratifizierung von #CETA
- Handelsabkommen ohne Sonderklagerechte für Konzerne #StopISDS
- eine faire und ökologische Wirtschaftspolitik
#StopCETA (3/3)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UmweltinstitutM/status/1597546745621139458
Fossil fuel companies are using #ISDS to sue governments in secretive tribunals when they pass laws to protect the climate. It is time for governments at COP27 to put an end to this dangerous system.
https://sites.google.com/view/isds-and-climate/en #stopISDS #exitECT #COP27
#isds #stopisds #exitect #cop27
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
The Comic Book about the Energy Charter Treaty!
FREE download here: http://celinekeller.com/dawn-of-the-ect
Time to #EndFossilFuelProtection
“Either we kill this treaty, or the treaty will kill us!”
@ysaheb #StopISDS #NoECT #ExitECT🧵
#ExitECT #NoECT #stopisds #EndFossilFuelProtection
RT @krustelkram@twitter.com
Es ist soweit:
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
Der Horror Comic über den Energiecharta-Vertrag
in DEUTSCH ist online!
"Entweder wir beenden diesen Vertrag, oder der Vertrag wird uns ein Ende bereiten!"
#NoECT #StopISDS http://exitect.org #ExitECT https://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/1536966649869393920
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/1564149773095116801
RT @krustelkram@twitter.com
@Shell@twitter.com @StopCambo@twitter.com @DeSmog@twitter.com @ysaheb@twitter.com 2021 All TOP 10 emitters “are located in Germany & Poland…🇩🇪 lignite plant Niederaußem, owned by @RWE_AG@twitter.com showed the largest emissions increase from 2020 of a colossal 36%.” @EmberClimate@twitter.com
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
#EndFossilFuelProtection #StopISDS #NoECT
#EndFossilFuelProtection #stopisds #noECT
unbedingt lesen!!
RT @krustelkram@twitter.com
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
The Comic Book about the Energy Charter Treaty!
FREE download here: http://celinekeller.com/dawn-of-the-ect
Time to #EndFossilFuelProtection
“Either we kill this treaty, or the treaty will kill us!”
@ysaheb@twitter.com #StopISDS #NoECT #ExitECT🧵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/1536966649869393920
#EndFossilFuelProtection #stopisds #noECT #ExitECT
RT @krustelkram@twitter.com
🔥💀Dawn Of The ECT 💀🔥
The Comic Book about the Energy Charter Treaty!
FREE download here: http://celinekeller.com/dawn-of-the-ect
Time to #EndFossilFuelProtection
“Either we kill this treaty, or the treaty will kill us!”
@ysaheb@twitter.com #StopISDS #NoECT #ExitECT🧵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/krustelkram/status/1536966649869393920
#EndFossilFuelProtection #stopisds #noECT #ExitECT
Companies are suing governments in secret for measures taken to protect the climate, health, workers' rights and more. Join the movement to #EndCorporateCourts. Sign the petition and #StopISDS! https://secure.waronwant.org/page/37886/action/1?en_chan=tw&locale=en-GB&ea.tracking.id=twitter&en_ref=88112863
Listen to the people @NikolPashinyan, don't bow to corporate pressure. The Amulsar mine will devastate the environment and destroy livelihoods. #SaveAmulsar #StopISDS
I've just watched @GlobalJusticeUK's powerful new film about the threat of #corporatecourts in Armenia. Join the campaign to #SaveAmulsar #StopISDS https://gju.st/2LfPRiR
#corporatecourts #saveamulsar #stopisds
RT @FondationNH@twitter.com
#CETA : 30 organisations de la société civile demandent la fin du système de justice d’exception qui bénéficie exclusivement aux investisseurs étrangers au détriment des Etats et des citoyens & mine la démocratie! #StopISDS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FondationNH/status/1122833814521372672
l'UE @EU_Commission @Europarl_FR vont pousser pour la création d'un tribunal mondial permanent. Son seul but : permettre aux multinationales d'attaquer les États. Nous devons arrêter ce projet de "Cour Multilatérale pour les Investissements" -> https://stopisds.org/fr/
Companies are suing governments in secret for measures taken to protect the climate, health, workers' rights and more. Join the movement to #EndCorporateCourts. Sign the petition and #StopISDS! https://goo.gl/ficg6G
Companies are suing governments in secret for measures taken to protect the climate, health, workers' rights and more. Join the movement to #EndCorporateCourts. Sign the petition and #StopISDS! https://goo.gl/TgiAq1
#stopISDS: Corporations have their own secretive global court system, called #ISDS, which they use to bully governments. On February 12, the EU Parliament will vote to expand it. Join the campaign to end corporations' privileges! https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/corporate-court-ISDS?utm_campaign=Je8v5L7v7n&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=share