#stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraelimurders
RT @dvaldi1@twitter.com
Il graffito si riferisce e glorifica Baruch Goldstein,un assassino di massa israelo-americano ed estremista religioso che ha perpetrato l'attacco terroristico del 1994 alla Moschea Ibrahimi a #Hebron, uccidendo 29 fedeli musulmani palestinesi innocenti e ferendone molti altri
2/2 https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1620374006758051840
#StopIsraeliTerrorism #stopisraelimurders #hebron
#stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraeliapartheid #stopisraelimurders
c/ @antonioguterres@twitter.com
#StopIsraeliTerrorism #StopIsraeliApartheid #stopisraelimurders
#stopisraelimurders NOW
c/ @antonioguterres@twitter.com @UNHumanRights@twitter.com
v/ @billa_silvia2@twitter.com
RT @SgrazX@twitter.com
Ricordo benissimo questo video, avevo 18anni, e pensai che vederlo avrebbe inorridito il mondo.
In 35anni ho capito che agli orrori di #Israele vi hanno "abituati".
Chiedetevi cosa fareste se foste nati e cresciuti in un campo di concentramento vivendo solo di questi orrori. https://twitter.com/DecolonizePS/status/1616875620083941377
#stopIsraeliTerrorism #stopisraelimurders #FreePalestine
v/ @iggyHT@twitter.com
RT @SuadSemua@twitter.com
144, CENTOQUARANTAQUATTRO, attacchi terroristici dei coloni nella zona di Nablus in una notte. Squadroni di ultranazionalisti,con la kippah in testa, infervorati,che mettono a ferro e fuoco la città incoraggiati dall'impunità di cui godono nei confronti dei palestinesi. https://twitter.com/JalalAK_jojo/status/1619601155776188424
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SuadSemua/status/1619749504961642496
#StopIsraeliTerrorism #stopisraelimurders #freepalestine
V/ @avantibionda@twitter.com
RT @michelegiorgio2@twitter.com
Nasim Abu Fuda, 26 anni, è il 35esimo palestinese ucciso questo mese da forze israeliane. È stato ucciso all'alba. Avrebbe cercato di scappare quando è stato fermato a un posto di blocco dell'esercito nei pressi di Hebron
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/michelegiorgio2/status/1619974984792936448
#Stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraelimurders
RT @swilkinsonbc@twitter.com
Footage after the israeli attack on the village of Jalud: cars on fire, grafitti sprayed on the walls of homes #IsraeliTerrorism @QudsNen@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1620003548711862272
#StopIsraeliTerrorism #stopisraelimurders #IsraeliTerrorism
c/ @UNHumanRights@twitter.com
v/ @OttobreInfo@twitter.com
RT @Infopal_News@twitter.com
Giovane ucciso dai soldati israeliani a Hebron https://www.infopal.it/?p=158570
#Palestine #MiddleEast #Israel
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Infopal_News/status/1620000224100990978
#stopisraelimurders #palestine #middleeast #israel
RT @AlertChannel@twitter.com
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed 'immediate action' in response to the murders in Israel's Synagogue attack. “We are not seeking an escalation, but we are prepared for any scenario. Our answer to terrorism is a heavy hand and a strong, swift and precise response.”
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/AlertChannel/status/1620012794308620288
#stopisraelimurders #freepalestine #shameonisraHELL
#stopisraelimurders #stopisraeliterrorism
RT @BDSmovement@twitter.com
States, institutions, and corporations supporting apartheid Israel are not just complicit, they have Palestinian blood on their hands. Escalate all #BDS campaigns now!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BDSmovement/status/1619726841396215808
#stopisraelimurders #StopIsraeliTerrorism #bds
RT @angelo_falanga@twitter.com
Questa è la settimana della Memoria e sulla memoria Israele, così come tutto l'Occidente, ci piscina sopra, perpetrando sui palestinesi ciò che subirono gli ebrei, nel silenzio assordante del mondo.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/angelo_falanga/status/1619862821713625088
#stopisraelimurders #StopIsraeliTerrorism #shameonisraHELL
RT @Le_Figaro@twitter.com
Le Pape condamne la «spirale de la mort» grandissante au Proche-Orient
«Depuis le début de l'année, des dizaines de Palestiniens ont été tués dans des fusillades avec l'armée israélienne», a-t-il dit, avant d'appeler à une «recherche sincère de la paix».
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Le_Figaro/status/1619727802500087810
#stopisraelimurders #freepalestine
#stopisraeliwarcrimes #stopisraeliapartheid #stopisraelimurders
RT @dvaldi1@twitter.com
#Jenin https://twitter.com/Stellangy/status/1619641532801503234
#stopisraeliwarcrimes #StopIsraeliApartheid #stopisraelimurders #jenin #freepalestine
It's utterly disgusting nothing to laugh at...
#stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraelimurders
v/ @HamzaRoberto@twitter.com
RT @sahouraxo@twitter.com
"And I find it laughable that those calling for arms to Ukraine, never call for arms for the people of Palestine or for the people of Yemen." 🔥
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sahouraxo/status/1618240056661245952
#stopisraelimurders #StopIsraeliTerrorism #freepalestine
v/ @HamzaRoberto@twitter.com
RT @Ahmedwsh95@twitter.com
Breaking News:
Israeli forces SHOT dead the Palestinian youth "Salah Ali" from Shu'fat refugee camp in Jerusalem.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Ahmedwsh95/status/1618251192014082049
#stopisraeliterrorism #stopisraelimurders
v/ @Moonsha72460823@twitter.com
RT @sandrawatfa@twitter.com
People standing up to the injustice of apartheid in South Africa and racial segregation in the USA eventually brought these systems of oppression to an end.
Do the same for Palestine.
Please sign, share, then share again.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/sandrawatfa/status/1618235257756725248
#freepalestine #stopisraelimurders #StopIsraeliTerrorism
RT @swilkinsonbc@twitter.com
Israeli troops shoot and kill a Palestinian teenager in Qalqilia in front of his own mother — in front of his own mother! | source: Palestine Live
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/swilkinsonbc/status/1618201239711526913
#freepalestine #stopisraelimurders
RT @dvaldi1@twitter.com
Dopo aver ucciso Aref Lahlouh nella #Cisgiordania occupata illegalmente, l'esercito della occupazione israeliana ha sparato anche a un altro giovane, nella #Gerusalemme occupata, ferendolo in modo grave.
#Palestina Libera! https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1618223631531638784
#palestina #gerusalemme #cisgiordania #freepalestine #stopisraelimurders
Chissà se per mastodon son antisemita anche se possto questo?
v/ @deb8479eaeef410@twitter.com
RT @laielkha@twitter.com
An Israeli young man enjoying taking a picture of a shot dead Palestinian boy, while the IOF murderers back out to give him enough space to take his time... He's even smiling... How humane do you find this post? THE MONSTERS!!!
#freepalestine #stopisraelimurders
RT @gianlucamart1@twitter.com
Se difendi (giustamente) le donne afghane o quelle iraniane sei un sincero democratico che crede nei valori della giustizia e della pace.
Se solo accenni a difendere le donne palestinesi incarcerate (160 nel 2022) e uccise sei un pericoloso psicopatico antisemita.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gianlucamart1/status/1617240683865333760
#freepalestine #stopisraelimurders