Will @marcorubio@twitter.com continue to support Kavanaugh now that he is revealed to be a fellow hydrophiliac? #toomuchwater #StopKavanaugh
54% of Republicans are against Kavanaugh, yet @marcorubio@twitter.com still doesn't care about the repeated perjury, doesn't care about the credible sexual assault allegations from three women, doesn't care about his unsettling and politicized appearance on @FoxNews@twitter.com #StopKavanaugh
Why is the @GOP@twitter.com so enthusiastic about getting an ["alleged"!] rapist on the SCOTUS? https://buff.ly/2plyP5N #StopKavanaugh What is the obsession the #GOP has with selecting rapists, pedophiles and sexual abusers for public office?
RT @SenWarren@twitter.com
Brett Kavanaugh's hearings may be over – but his confirmation is not a done deal. There is still time to speak out and make your voice heard. Americans came together before to save the Affordable Care Act. We can do it again and #StopKavanaugh.
I have to admit I kind of like how she’s kicking the hornets nest with that parenthetical aside.
Here's what we think of the op-ed (other than Mike Pence likely penned it), Puerto Rico is still devastated, Trump is caging helpless children indefinitely, Republicans in Washington refuse to defend people's pre-existing condition protections, and we have to #StopKavanaugh.
Sign the petition: #BrettKavanaugh could undo decades of progress for women's rights https://act.credoaction.com/sign/kavanaugh_roe #SaveSCOTUS #StopKavanaugh #WeWontGoBack via @CREDOMobile #justice #politics #society #StopDrUMPf #USofA
#brettkavanaugh #society #savescotus #stopkavanaugh #wewontgoback #justice #politics #stopdrumpf #usofa