Co-authored by Catherine Connolly, #StopKillerRobots and ECNL's Francesca Fanucci the blog discusses the #AIAct & CoE Framework convention & their potential exclusion of #AI systems for military, national defence & security purposes from their regulatory scope.
📚 Read the blog here:
Killer robots don’t just appear – we create them. If we allow this dehumanisation we will struggle to protect ourselves from machine decision-making in other areas of our lives. We need to prohibit autonomous weapons systems that would be used against people, to prevent this slide to digital dehumanisation.
"Machines don’t see us as people, just another piece of #code to be processed and sorted. From smart homes to the use of robot dogs by police enforcement, #AI technologies and automated decision-making are now playing a significant role in our lives. At the extreme end of the spectrum of #automation lie killer robots."
#stopkillerrobots #automation #ai #code
San Francisco Legislators Greenlight Killing Of Residents By Police Robots… And Then Kill It… | Techdirt https://www.techdirt.com/2022/12/07/san-francisco-legislators-greenlight-killing-of-residents-by-police-robots/
#NoKillerRobots #StopKillerRobots #ACAB
#nokillerrobots #stopkillerrobots #acab
I 5 motivi per cui i “killer robots” sono un problema di diritti umani https://retepacedisarmo.org/2022/i-5-motivi-per-cui-i-killer-robots-sono-un-problema-di-diritti-umani/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=i-5-motivi-per-cui-i-killer-robots-sono-un-problema-di-diritti-umani #Disumanizzazionedigitale #Armiautonomeletali #Armiletaliautonome #StopKillerRobots #CampagnaSKR #Primopiano
#primopiano #CampagnaSKR #stopkillerrobots #Armiletaliautonome #Armiautonomeletali #Disumanizzazionedigitale
📬 Waffensysteme noch immer nicht verboten – Einigung bleibt aus
#Rechtssachen #AutonomeWaffensysteme #GroupofGovernmentalExperts #LAWS #StopKillerRobots #UNMitgliedsstaaten #Verhandlungen https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/rechtssachen/waffensysteme-noch-immer-nicht-verboten-einigung-bleibt-aus-253379.html
#verhandlungen #UNMitgliedsstaaten #stopkillerrobots #laws #GroupofGovernmentalExperts #autonomewaffensysteme #Rechtssachen
I support #StopKillerRobots! The folks working on it are veterans of the anti-landmine campaign. We're in a moment of possibly being able to ban these things /before/ anything terrible happens, which would be very good.
"The problem is not just that when #AI systems err, they err in bulk.
It is that when they err, their makers often don’t know why they did and, therefore, how to correct them.
The black box problem of AI makes it almost impossible to imagine morally responsible development of autonomous weapons systems. "
- James Dawes
RT @CIaudiaGiulia
Nel libro
“Intelligenza Artificiale. Cos’è davvero, come funziona, che effetti avrà” casa ed. Bollati Boringhieri
(link in bio)
Dedichiamo parte del 3 capitolo proprio al tema delle “Guerre (non) intelligenti”
ovvero quelle fatte con i #LAWS (armi autonome) #StopKillerRobots
Perde il controllo dell'auto e uccide la studentessa di Teheran, giovane promessa dell'elettronica.
Una storia vera?
#IntelligenzaArtificiale e #AlgorEtica
#AI #whistleblowing #StopKillerRobots
#intelligenzaartificiale #algoretica #ai #whistleblowing #stopkillerrobots
Ciencia y tecnología 🔬⚙️progresan cada vez más rápido 🏃🏻♂️, teniendo un potencial enorme para ayudar a la humanidad a ofrecer soluciones para satisfacer los desafíos de la vida cotidiana ✊. Sin embargo, ¿es tolerable la investigación científica y tecnológica para crear armas más eficaces, es decir, para matar más y mejor? 🤔
Zientziak eta teknologiak 🔬⚙️gero eta arinago egiten dute aurrera, 🏃🏻♂️eta gizakien eguneroko erronkei aurre egiteko irtenbideak eskaitzen laguntzeko ahalmen handia dute ✊. Hala ere, onargarria al da ikerketa zientifikoa eta teknologikoa arma eraginkorrak sortzeko erabiltzea? Hau da, gehiago eta hobeto hiltzeko? 🤔
RT @aldoceccarelli
#LAWS e #IA “Sarebbe bello vivere in un 🌍 che non ha bisogno di #armi. Vivere in un #mondo senza armi autonome, invece, è necessario.” #stopkillerrobots
#stopkillerrobots #mondo #armi #ia #laws
A remix I made a while ago. Feel free to use it as your own profile header, email footer or anywhere you like. Reshare and remix.
## Inspiration
* http://imaginepeace.com/warisover/
#HappyXmas #WarIsOver #JohnAndYoko #YokoOno #PlasticOnoBand #remix #collage #hippie #MassResign
## Action
* https://restoreprivacy.com/google-alternatives/
* https://www.stopkillerrobots.org/
#google #pentagon #KillerDrones #ProjectMaven #ethics #AI #war #StopKillerRobots #CampaignToStopKillerRobots #GoogleFree #ReplaceGoogle #DeleteGoogle #AbandonGoogle #FuckOffGoogle #boycott
#boycott #fuckoffgoogle #abandongoogle #deletegoogle #replacegoogle #googlefree #campaigntostopkillerrobots #stopkillerrobots #war #ai #ethics #projectmaven #KillerDrones #pentagon #google #MassResign #hippie #collage #remix #PlasticOnoBand #yokoono #johnandyoko #warisover #happyxmas #GoogleIsOverIfYouWantIt
RT @BenJeannerod@twitter.com: Robots tueurs : quand la guerre rejoint la science-fiction.
HRW et la campagne #StopKillerRobots appellent à l’interdiction des armes autonomes qui violeraient les principes humanitaires et la conscience publique https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/geopolitique/geopolitique-30-aout-2018
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BenJeannerod/status/1035066395548114944