#FnF #FreedomOfInformation #StopMassSurveillance #FreedomNotFear
Hello to All !
We happily anounce that the Wikileaks Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer will be attending FnF in early September - amongst digital rights activists, hackers and MEPs.
Dont miss to also register due to the end of this week at https://freedomnotfear.org/
#freedomnotfear #stopmasssurveillance #freedomofinformation #fnf
Vidéosurveillance aux #JO2024 : nous appelons la 🇫🇷 à renoncer à l’expérimentation de la «vidéosurveillance intelligente» #stopmasssurveillance @echo_pbreyer @technopolice_fr https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2023/03/17/videosurveillance-aux-jo-2024-des-eurodeputes-exhortent-la-france-a-faire-machine-arriere_6165877_4408996.html
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1636709470137991171
@EU_Commission I’ve written e-Mails to all commissioners. So you cannot say you didn’t know.
The action that are about to be taken are ineffective for the protection of children. The false positive rates are huge. This will take up resources in policy enforcement that is needed in real investigations. Looking at the boys town case just links to password protected archives were sent around. By definition the actions taken make no difference. The criminals will find their ways and all innocent people will be under suspicion and surveillance. Turn around. It is the wrong action. #StopMassSurveillance
RT @echo_pbreyer@twitter.com
Victory: The EU Commission shall look into banning #targetedadvertising, the European Parliament decided today (with a majority of 341:303 votes). And this is why. (Spoiler: reliance on pervasive tracking and profiling of all users)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/echo_pbreyer/status/1318595943579615232
#targetedadvertising #stopmasssurveillance
RT @echo_pbreyer@twitter.com
No right to anonymous communications? European Court of Human Rights rubber-stamps mandatory SIM card registration laws. Read my comments: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/?p=590409&lang=en
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/echo_pbreyer/status/1222858344689520641
RT @echo_pbreyer@twitter.com
taz-Bericht über unsere Klage gegen die #Vorratsspeicherung deiner Autofahrten:
"Die Daten der gesamten Bevölkerung werden vorsorglich erfasst für den Fall, dass die Polizei sie später brauchen kann."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/echo_pbreyer/status/1159392573464727553
#vorratsspeicherung #stopmasssurveillance
Wichtiger Punkt.
RT @patrickbreyer: Warum Artikel 10 mein #Lieblingsgrundrecht ist: https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=gllyw66RVxY #gg70 #Freiheitskämpfer #StopMassSurveillance
#stopmasssurveillance #freiheitskämpfer #gg70 #lieblingsgrundrecht
RT @echo_pbreyer@twitter.com
Im Bundestag verlogene Lippenbekenntnisse zum #Grundgesetz von Parteien, die unsere Grundrechte mit Überwachungs- und Polizeigesetzen zerstören. Meine Übersicht, wer für welche verfassungswidrigen Bundesgesetze verantwortlich ist: https://www.daten-speicherung.de/index.php/ueberwachungsgesetze/ #StopMassSurveillance
#grundgesetz #stopmasssurveillance