⚠️ "The key to solving the plastics crisis and promoting transformative change may lie in the South Asian region."
As countries prepare to meet this month to work on the first global agreement to end plastic pollution, the perspectives of South Asia must be heard loud and clear.
✍️ Dharmesh Shah reports
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#PlasticsTreaty #INC2 #StopPlasticPollution #plastics #southasia #pollution #asia #environment #endplastic #plasticscrisis
#plasticstreaty #inc2 #stopplasticpollution #plastics #SouthAsia #pollution #asia #environment #endplastic #plasticscrisis
We must stop living in direct conflict with our natural world . A thread 1/5.
#SaveOurSeas #stopplasticpollution
Like a sick joke they are dubbed “Mermaid tears”
Plastic pellets that are nightmarishly difficult to clean up.
Officially they are called industrial plastic granules (IPG) and are melted down to make everyday plastic objects.
#stopplasticpollution #plastics #keepitintheground
RT @MahelCoppey@twitter.com
⚠️Un désastre écologique irréversible frappe en ce moment les plages de Loire-Atlantique. Tout mon soutien aux élu·e·s locaux et habitant·e·s et mille mercis à @surfriderfrance@twitter.com pour leur travail inestimable 🙏. #StopPlasticPollution https://twitter.com/presseocean/status/1614297511472107520
RT @TIAADivest@twitter.com
"Turn off the tap on plastic" says @antonioguterres@twitter.com. We agree. Having worked on the community, town, county, and state level -- it's time for the U.S. as a country, and all nations, to take large-scale action. It's a matter of life and death to #stopplasticpollution now. https://twitter.com/antonioguterres/status/1598667368296751109
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TIAADivest/status/1598771049272905748
EU rules set out this week designed to clean up the #packaging #industry will affect #Nespresso pods, stickers on apples and single-use carrier bags. Regulations will affect a range of sectors from food to chemicals.
#Environmen #sustainability #StopPlasticPollution
#stopplasticpollution #sustainability #Environmen #nespresso #industry #packaging
Until they are phased out, we need to collect and dispose of them completely. #EnergyRecovery #EnergyTransition
RT @WWF@twitter.com
Governments must take meaningful action to #StopPlasticPollution. Next week they will start the negotiations of global #PlasticsTreaty.
A new survey by @Ipsos@twitter.com with @PlasticFreeJuly@twitter.com shows people around the globe call for an ambitious treaty. #INC1
📍 RT if you agree
#inc1 #plasticstreaty #stopplasticpollution #energytransition #energyrecovery
Sorry, aber ich halte es für nachhaltiger, die alten Pelzjacken meiner Oma aufzutragen, als diesen Outdoorkram, der aus Kunststoff besteht, der sich nach wenigen Jahren in Mikropartikel zersetzt und unsere Gewässer verschmutzt, um danach die Meerestiere und uns zu vergiften. #stopplasticpollution #stopplasticwaste
#stopplasticpollution #stopplasticwaste
RT @WWF@twitter.com
Having a festive feast this holiday season? Spare a thought for the 56% of whales, dolphins and porpoises who have ingested ocean plastic.
Help us make this a thing of the past. Join us in calling for a global agreement to #StopPlasticPollution.
Ces chiffres sont effarants #StopPlasticPollution #StopPlastic
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/saskiabricmont/status/1533746522516602880
#stopplasticpollution #StopPlastic
RT @noplasticfrance: Le #NoPlasticChallenge 2022 arrive !
J- 50 jours. Inscrivez-vous vite pour recevoir tous les outils et informations sur cet évènement qui accompagne tous les acteurs dans la réduction du plastique.
Lien d’inscription : https://noplasticinmysea.org/participez/
#Noplastic #stopplasticpollution
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/CathChabaud/status/1519394983853404160
#NoPlasticChallenge #Noplastic #stopplasticpollution