An: Innenminister:innen der EU, an den österreichischen Innenminister Karner
Das Recht auf Flucht in die EU darf nicht abgeschafft werden!
#stoppushbacks #petition #noborders #pushbacks
Unsere "Emotionen" sind also das Problem, wenn Menschen durch #Pushbacks an den EU-Grenzen ihr Leben verlieren oder Leid erfahren? Vorschlag für die Sommerpause an Thorsten Frei (CDU): Sprechen Sie mal mit den Angehörigen der Opfer oder unseren Partnern in Griechenland & Polen, statt Wahlkampfhilfe für die AFD zu machen.
Gesehen bei:
#LeaveNoOneBehind #stoppushbacks #pushbacks
Excellent piece by #SallyHayden, a must-read, as is her book #MyFourthTimeWeDrowned - none of us can say we didn't know
"How has the mass drowning of people become normalised?
The potentially hundreds of people who drowned this week off southern Greece are victims of the world’s inequality"
#sallyhayden #myfourthtimewedrowned #notinmyname #stoppushbacks #refugees
Europe’s “shield”: Hundreds presumed to have drowned off #Greece
#Refugees #Libya #StopPushbacks #alarmphone #NotInMyName #Frontex #BloodOnOurHands
#greece #refugees #libya #stoppushbacks #alarmphone #notinmyname #frontex #bloodonourhands
Spotted in Thessaloniki, Greece
#AbolishFrontex #StopPushbacks #BordersKill
#AbolishFrontex #stoppushbacks #borderskill
" Nous avons été alertés de la détresse de ~50 personnes sur un bateau avec un moteur cassé. Nous avons informé @HCoastGuard qui nous a dit qu'ils menaient une opération de sauvetage. Nous espérons que toutes les personnes à bord seront rapidement mises en sécurité en Grèce. "
" 🆘~50 people adrift south of #Crete, #Greece
We were alerted to the distress of ~50 people on a boat with a broken engine. We informed @HCoastGuard who told us that they are conducting a rescue. We hope everyone on board will be brought to safety in Greece soon. "
" 🆘~50 people adrift south of #Crete, #Greece
We were alerted to the distress of ~50 people on a boat with a broken engine. We informed @HCoastGuard who told us that they are conducting a rescue. We hope everyone on board will be brought to safety in Greece soon. "
Pushback Alarm (@PushbackA): "#StopPushbacks:In the week from 23/1 to 29/1, 168 people were pushed back only from from Lesvos (found in Turkish waters near the island), while 203 people arrived and were registered. (Numbers from Turkish Coast Guard and Hellenic Ministry of Migration and Asylum)" | La Contre-Voie - nitter –
Hier seht ihr seine Eltern, wie sie auf der griechischen Seite des Evros-Flusses um Asyl bitten. Wenig später werden sie festgenommen und zurückgeschoben...
RT @AzadeLice
Şu anda Yunanistan'a iltica etmek isteyen babam ve annem deport edilme tehlikesiyle karşı karşıyadır. Annem ve babamin güvenli bir yere alınmalarını ve sığınma işlemlerinin başlatılması gerekiyor.
#stoppushbacks #humanrightsviolationsgreece
RT The #Didymoticho border guards told us that a decision to rescue needs to come from the ministry. When the people called 112, they were told that "the mayor of the area must sign the court decision in order to be evacuated".
Την Τρίτη θα διεξαχθεί η δίκη των 24 κατηγορούμενων διασωστών στο Τριμελές Εφετείο Πλημμελημάτων Βορείου Αιγαίου. Οι κατηγορίες περιλαμβάνουν από πλαστογραφία μέχρι κ κατασκοπεία και μπορούν να επιφέρουν
#FreeHumanitarians #DropTheCharges #stoppushbacks #lesvos #antireport
#freehumanitarians #dropthecharges #stoppushbacks #lesvos #antireport
Trial of A.B in Lesvos on 5/12/22. A.B. is an asylum seeker who is accused of driving the boat with which 29 people arrived to Greece.
A.B. faces charges of "facilitating illegal entry", despite video evidence that he didn't even steer the boat. And even if he did, saving his own and 28 other people's lives is not a crime
#refugees #refugeesGR #stoppushbacks
#refugees #refugeesgr #stoppushbacks
AGAINST PUSHBACKS: notes from Lesvos
on Friday 9/12, at 17:30, in the auditorium of geography department
ΕΝΑΝΤΙΑ ΣΤΑ PUSHBACKS: σημειώσεις από τη Λέσβο, την Παρασκευή 9/12, στις 17:30, στο αμφιθέατρο γεωγραφίας
#stoppushbacks #lesvos #λέσβος
The government of Iceland is, practically, kidnapping refugees from their homes, without previous warning, separating families, ignoring individual needs of family members and deporting them to Greece.
A few of them arrived in Greece yesterday, among them Hussein, a wheelchair user who needs assistance with daily activities. His wheelchair (a loan from Iceland) was taken from him, and it is very unlikely that he will receive a wheelchair, or adequate medical assistance in Greece
(source: and "No Borders Iceland", Facebook link:
21 dead, 35 missing in Rafina, just outside of Athens. They were trying to go to Italy, instead of stopping in any of the Greek islands, because if the greek coast guard captured them, they would be tortured and pushed back to Turkey.
People get drowned, not trying to come to Greece, but trying to avoid it.
#refugeesgr #stoppushbacks #GreeceFascistState
RT The Turkish Coast Guard confirmed the #pushback. said this week "EU should recognize Turkey is unsafe for asylum seekers". Still, #Greece continues to force people back to the threat of mass deportations, arbitrary arrest & detention. #StopPushBacks
#pushback #greece #stoppushbacks
An 8 months old baby from Palestine and a 4 years old girl from Syria who died of malnutrition and dehydration were burried in #Chania #Crete today. They were on a refugee boat that was denied help by #GreekFascistState. #EU #pushback policy kills. #StopPushbacks #Refugeesgr
#Chania #Crete #GreekFascistState #eu #pushback #stoppushbacks #refugeesgr
Protest against push-backs in Greece