MusicTraveler · @musictraveler
57 followers · 941 posts · Server
MusicTraveler · @musictraveler
57 followers · 941 posts · Server

@QuantumAspect The British are always faster and more reliable in case of a war. Germany is showing its ignorance and nativity reminding us that we better do not rely on them in time of emergency. It’s a shame that Germany still does not want to understand that Russians do not change their minds with talking. Only way is a fast defeat/destroy of the Russian army.

#ukraine #stoprussiangenocidenow

Last updated 2 years ago

MusicTraveler · @musictraveler
57 followers · 941 posts · Server

@apmassaro3 The are always faster and more reliable in case of a war. Germany is showing its ignorance and nativity reminding us that we better do not rely on them in time of emergency. It’s a shame that still does not want to understand that Russians do not change their minds with talking. Only way is a fast defeat/destroy of the Russian army. Delay is only in favor of the

#defeatdestroyrussianarmynow #leopardsforukrainenow #ukraine #stoprussiangenocidenow #criminalrussians #Germany #british

Last updated 2 years ago