But honestly, the biggest problem in America is this total refusal issue, this narcissism, this culture that does not care about lives beyond its own.
The only way you can deal with that, is shame it for claiming to be #ProLife
Beyond that, we have to be and work with decent people to develop community. Everyone has a solution but no one wants to compromise. That dogmatic foolishness is literally killing US.
#prolife #stopterrorism #uniteordie
If it looks like a duck, acts like a duck, and quacks like a #duck... It's a duck
So it follows that:
If the GOP looks like a terrorist organization, acts like a terrorist organization, and attacks like a terrorist organization... It's a terrorist organization
#duck #gop #terrorism #stopterrorism #fascism #stopfascism
Eight Israelis killed leaving synagogue in East Jerusalem | Israel | The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jan/27/seven-israelis-killed-leaving-synagogue-in-east-jerusalem
#StopTerrorism #EndAntiSemitism
#stopterrorism #endantisemitism