RT @bedfordyid@twitter.com
@MaxMart45702532@twitter.com A slap on the wrist and "Now don't let us catch you doing this again." #Corruption #TaxEvasion #ToryTraitors #OneRuleForThem #PartygateCoverup #ToriesOut #SaveTheUK #StopTheCoup #StopTheFascists #NotSafeInTheirHands #SaveOurNHS #GeneralElectionNow #NeverVoteTory #NeverTrustATory
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bedfordyid/status/1615345054062870529
#Corruption #taxevasion #ToryTraitors #oneRuleForThem #partygatecoverup #ToriesOut #savetheuk #stopthecoup #stopthefascists #notsafeintheirhands #SaveOurNHS #GeneralElectionNow #NeverVoteTory #NeverTrustATory
#StopTheCoup #BorisOut #Demonstration #London 31st August 2019 #photography #photo #streetphotography #protest #ToriesOut
#toriesout #protest #StreetPhotography #Photo #Photography #London #demonstration #BorisOut #stopthecoup
#StopTheCoup #BorisOut #Demonstration #London 31st August 2019 #photography #photo #streetphotography #protest #ToriesOut
#toriesout #protest #StreetPhotography #Photo #Photography #London #demonstration #BorisOut #stopthecoup
This morning, Boris Johnson has switched off the UK’s representative democracy because he doesn’t like what it tells him. And he’s going to ignore the law over a no-deal Brexit. I thought Brexit had already destroyed our standing in the world; turns out we can go lower. #StopTheCoup
Missed Saturday's protests as I was out of town. Not to worry, there's another one along not long after... #StopTheCoup
Missed Saturday's protests as I was out of town. Not to worry, there's another one along not long after... #StopTheCoup
RT @siminnes@twitter.com
Togail fianais ann an Glaschu #StopTheCoup #StopBrexit #NoProrogation #Alba #ScotlandinEurope
#stopthecoup #stopbrexit #noprorogation #alba #scotlandineurope
WTF! What did I just see? Seriously, I'm negatively flabbergasted...
#BorisJohnson #Brexit #Propaganda %%%
RT @JMPSimor@twitter.com
Who pays for this, who edits it, what’s it for and who writes the ghastly feel-good music? #propaganda #populistpolitics #StopTheCoup https://twitter.com/borisjohnson/status/1167828210211598336
#stopthecoup #populistpolitics #propaganda #brexit #borisjohnson
Here’s the scene from today’s #StopTheCoup protest in #Exeter. Only one side of the crowd is visible but see if you can spot me (ha ha).
#stopthecoup #exeter #uk #politics
In #London und anderen britischen Städten haben Tausende gegen ihren Premierminister Boris #Johnson demonstriert. Ihr Motto: #StopTheCoup https://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2019-08/grossbritannien-demonstrationen-boris-johnson-parlament-brexit
I was just at our local #demonstration against the proroguing of #Parliament. I reckon there were around 2500 people but I can’t be sure. All very good natured and a sudden heavy shower dampened nobody’s spirits. There were speeches by my #MP #BenBradshaw and #SarahWoolaston, MP for #Totnes (a former Tory) as well as others such as trades unionists and a leave voter who had changed his mind.
#Exeter #England #UK #Politics #Brexit #Europe #EU #StopTheCoup
#demonstration #parliament #mp #benbradshaw #sarahwoolaston #totnes #exeter #england #uk #politics #brexit #europe #eu #stopthecoup