“The city of Seattle has been too broad in defining how and when it can clear homeless encampments without warning, a King County Superior Court judge ruled, deeming aspects of the city’s approach unconstitutional.” #StopTheSweeps
New Zine about Portland OR's Daytime Camping Ban from Stop the Sweeps
#StopTheSweeps #HousekeysNotHandcuffs
#stopthesweeps #housekeysnothandcuffs #pdx
@ProcessParsnip I agree that it's a horrible situation and the city should not be asking this team to participate in sweeps. Portland Street Response will lose credibility with folks on the street, lose their trust.
I'm with you on #StopTheSweeps - give people who have no place to live the money/housing/support that they need.
"One month after the City of Vancouver removed residents from makeshift shelters on East Hastings, community members, advocates, and former city staff say forcing people to leave has done more harm than good."
#dtes #vancouver #vanpoli #stopthesweeps
'Woodward says he feels the streets are more "nasty" as people try to survive after losing their belongings.
"It's more dog eat dog," he says. "Everyone's getting stolen from, you fall asleep and someone rips off all your stuff."'
Ken Sim and ABC, folks. Finding empathetic ways to address poverty and homelessness.
Sweeps of homeless people are in fact deadly, new medical study shows
Displacing unhoused people leads to more deaths and serious health problems, the Journal of the American Medical Association reports.
#housingisaright #housekeysnothandcuffs #stopthesweeps
“To say the Hastings tent city and the survival strategies that come with it are the ‘cause’ of the problem is to ignore the reality that they were the effect of a very real problem of systemic policy failure that impacts us all but that only happens to be most visible in the Downtown Eastside."
#yvr #stopthesweeps #dtes #vanpoli
David Eby's Brown Shirts?
Will "dedicated team" uniforms be brown?
What special powers will they have?
#StopTheSweeps #bcpoli #cdnpoli #vanpoli #DefundThePolice #Fascism #Trump #NDP #BasicIncome #DTES #housing
Will there be an Independent #BrownShirt Investigations Office for citizen complaints? ...like the "independent IIOBC?
#stopthesweeps #bcpoli #cdnpoli #vanpoli #defundthepolice #fascism #trump #ndp #basicincome #dtes #housing #brownshirt
Here Sim argues that the anniversary of a fire at a poorly run, unsafe SRO necessitates cramming as many people as possible into poorly run, unsafe SROs. Or, alternatively, driving Vancouver's most vulnerable residents out of the part of town where all of the support services are.
Fuck Ken Sim/ABC, obviously. But a bonus fuck you to David Eby for stepping in to polish Sim's turd for some reason.
I hope this is the only time Eby decides to run PR for ABC's kill-the-poor poverty solutions because know-your-rights Eby is actually pretty cool.
This is happening today!
Stay tuned for issues, updates, unsheltered stories, injuries and more.
#NBAAllStar #Homeless #Unsheltered #MarchOfTheHomeless #ThisTentIsAHome #StopTheSweeps #WeThePeople #StandUp #SpeakOut #CareAboutPeopleAsMuchAsSports
#careaboutpeopleasmuchassports #speakout #standup #wethepeople #stopthesweeps #thistentisahome #marchofthehomeless #unsheltered #homeless #nbaallstar
"The eviction of the camps at McPherson Square [will happen on] February 15th… Park residents were promised 'intensive social services' prior to the eviction. This has not happened."
Tell the National Parks Service and DC government to #StopTheSweeps and cancel this dangerous and unjust eviction: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-nps-dc-to-stop-the-sweeps
RT @SeijPonchie@twitter.com
It’s not just me, right. People are homeless-er after street sweep. #ACAB #StopTheSweeps
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SeijPonchie/status/1557224986565177344
My dad was watching West Wing reruns today & it struck me how one episode featured an unhoused veteran freezing to death due to the lack of shelter beds and this is still a conversation we are having over 20 yrs later.
We need permanent supportive housing, renter's protections, to #StopTheSweeps , and to revamp what affordable housing looks like in the US. It's only getting worse.
#introductions #introduction #fuckwhitesupremacy #disabled #disability #inclusion #accessibility #traumainformed #healing #antioppression #antiracism #transisbeautiful #Housing4All #stopthesweeps #SafeSupply #harmreduction
Adding this link. I might be able to send something their way in a week or so. Maybe other locals reading would also like to:
#stopthesweeps #SweepsKill #pdx
RT @TheCoalitionSF
Hate sweeps as much as we do?
Come to our training this Friday at noon to learn how to respond to sweeps!
RT @enough14@twitter.com
#Seattle, #WA: Without Shelter, People Die: Militantly Defending Cal Anderson Park from Imminent Police Sweep - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/12/17/seattle-without-shelter-people-die-militantly-defending-cal-anderson-park-from-imminent-police-sweep/ #CalAndersonPark #StopTheSweeps #antireport
#seattle #wa #calandersonpark #stopthesweeps #antireport
#Seattle, #WA: Cal Anderson Community Activists Occupy Vacant Building - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/12/17/seattle-wa-cal-anderson-community-activists-occupy-vacant-building/ #squat #CalAndersonPark #StopTheSweeps #antireport
#antireport #stopthesweeps #calandersonpark #squat #wa #seattle
#Seattle, #WA: Without Shelter, People Die: Militantly Defending Cal Anderson Park from Imminent Police Sweep - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/12/17/seattle-without-shelter-people-die-militantly-defending-cal-anderson-park-from-imminent-police-sweep/ #CalAndersonPark #StopTheSweeps #antireport
#antireport #stopthesweeps #calandersonpark #wa #seattle