Genuinely cant wait to see the mental gymnastics of the #stopthewarcoalition @ClareDalyMEP , @sahra_wagenknecht and other dumb idiots after the #Ukrainian counteroffensive takes back Melitopol
In the meantime, lets raise some money for Колективи Солідарності - Solidarity Collectives lads, #ukraine 's anti authoritarian fighters need support:
#ukraine #ukrainian #stopthewarcoalition
This year has been rough and depressing in politics, but I still choose hype because #Ukraine s counteroffensive will slap #Russia so bad that authoritarian little shits will cry the world over
Special shout-out to the #stopthewarcoalition , I hope you cry bitter tears over Russia being pushed back
#UkraineWillWin #imperialism #colonialism #fuckputin #fuckputinappeasers
#fuckputinappeasers #fuckputin #colonialism #imperialism #UkraineWillWin #stopthewarcoalition #russia #ukraine
#Skwawkbox | The #Labour Party has banned:
Sounds like it's becoming a real progressive party ...
#peaceandjusticeproject #thecampaignagainstclimatechangetradesunion #healthcampaignstogether #allafricanwomensgroup #sikhsforlabour #somalisforlabour #jewishvoiceforlabour #londonirishabortionrightscampaign #republic #stopthewarcoalition #labourcampaignfornucleardisarmament #palestinesolidaritycampaign #labour #SKWAWKBOX