Sehr geehrte Frau Präsidentin @vonderleyen
Bitte sorgen Sie dafür, dass die EU den Export von verbotenen Chemikalien stoppt und stattdessen dazu beiträgt, dass alle auf sichere Alternativen umsteigen.
.@vonderleyen Der Europäische Green Deal feiert sein 3-jähriges Bestehen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Bitte zeigen Sie Ihre Unterstützung für ein Gesetz gegen den Export von gefährlichen Chemikalien, die in der EU verboten sind #StopToxicExports
Dangerous pesticides are banned in Europe – but they still get exported, killing bees and devastating communities worldwide. When will you @VSinkevicius outlaw the export of banned pesticides? #StopToxicExports
Dear President I hope you will lend your public support for a legislative proposal that stops companies in Europe spreading banned chemicals abroad. #StopToxicExports
You’ve banned bee-killing pesticides in the EU, but they’re still exported and used elsewhere. Please #StopToxicExports now!
Pesticide use is increasing 📈 more in the Global South.
It's unacceptable that the EU still exports pesticides rightly banned on its own territory. People throughout the world, especially farmers, have the same right to health. 👉
President @vonderleyen @EU_Commission - please show your support for a strong law against export of hazardous chemicals banned for safety reasons in the EU. #StopToxicExports #EuropeanGreenDeal
#stoptoxicexports #europeangreendeal
President @vonderleyen @EU_Commission It’s the #EuropeanGreenDeal 3rd anniversary. Congratulations! Please show your support for a law against export of hazardous chemicals banned in the EU? #StopToxicExports
#europeangreendeal #stoptoxicexports
President @EU_Commission It’s the #EuropeanGreenDeal 3rd anniversary. Congratulations! Please show your support for a law against export of hazardous chemicals banned in the EU? #StopToxicExports
#europeangreendeal #stoptoxicexports
Dear President @vonderleyen @EU_Commission I hope you will lend your public support for a legislative proposal that stops companies in Europe spreading banned chemicals abroad. #StopToxicExports
Dear President @vonderleyen @EU_Commission I hope you will lend your public support for a legislative proposal that stops companies in Europe spreading banned chemicals abroad. #StopToxicExports
Dear President @vonderleyen @EU_Commission I hope you will lend your public support for a legislative proposal that stops companies in Europe spreading banned chemicals abroad. #StopToxicExports
@vonderleyen Please ensure that the EU stops exporting banned hazardous chemicals around the world, and helps instead to shift everyone to safe alternatives. #StopToxicExports
President - please show your support for a strong law against export of hazardous chemicals banned for safety reasons in the EU. #StopToxicExports #EuropeanGreenDeal
#stoptoxicexports #EuropeanGreenDeal
@EU_Commission @vonderleyen It’s the European Green Deal’s 3rd anniversary. Congratulations! Please show your support for a law against export of hazardous chemicals banned in the EU! #StopToxicExports
Dear President @vonderleyen @EU_Commission I hope you will lend your public support for a legislative proposal that stops companies in Europe spreading banned chemicals abroad. #StopToxicExports
💢 Harmful chemicals banned in the EU are still made in Europe for export. Hypocrisy much?
#StopToxicExports #StopToxicTrade #StopEUpoisonExports #StopAgroToxics #AgroToxicsKILL
#stoptoxicexports #stoptoxictrade #stopeupoisonexports #StopAgrotoxics #agrotoxicskill
Des pesticides dangereux sont interdits en Europe, mais ils sont exportés, tuant les abeilles et dévastant les communautés. @Vsinkevicius, qu’attendez-vous pour rendre illégale l’exportation de pesticides pourtant interdits sur le territoire de l'UE ? #StopToxicExports
Europa ha prohibido los pesticidas peligrosos, pero su exportación está matando a las abejas y arruinando a comunidades de todo el mundo. ¿Cuándo piensa ilegalizar la exportación de los pesticidas prohibidos, @VSinkevicius? #StopToxicExports
Europa ha prohibido los pesticidas peligrosos, pero su exportación está matando a las abejas y arruinando a comunidades de todo el mundo. ¿Cuándo piensa ilegalizar la exportación de los pesticidas prohibidos #StopToxicExports