We salute the Republican campaign,
To stop the Trump train and keep it contained.
They race to the top
And spend every penny, they've got
As the ad war nears a hundred million.
#gop #presidentialelection #adwar #stoptrump #ode #poetry
Frightening how like follows like…
Which came first, the Bannon evil egg or Trump evil egg?
They all certainly found another…birds of a repulsive feather:
Flynn, Giuliani, Miller, Stone, Deripaska, McCarthy, Jones, Hannity, Carlson, Murdoch, the big-haired, big-teethed, big-mouthed blond women, etc.,
And all the GOP Members of Congress with “seditionist” emblazoned on their souls.
If he incites violence again to avoid prosecution, he needs to be jailed. 🕊️#StopAbuse #StopTrump #UnitedStates 🇺🇸
#stopabuse #stoptrump #unitedstates
#Israel's new judicial law, which renders it a #democracy no more, will be used as part of the official playbook of #Trump should he regain the #WhiteHouse in 2024
#israel #democracy #trump #whitehouse #stoptrump #republicansaretheproblem #voteblue
We are in SUCH deep trouble.
The minute TFG started with “but her e-mails” and calling all legit news services “fake news,” then followed up with his 31,000+ documented lies — and encouraged every goddamn member of his administration and Party to do the same — as well as embracing crackpot COVID theories that literally killed thousands — our future as a democracy shattered.
Without TRUTH and objective FACTS, there can be no consensus on anything. The need to spout bullshit over science re #climatecrisis and the push to use AI and deep fakes only compound the disaster.
I’m just glad I’m this old and won’t be around much longer, but I fear for my kids and grandkids…and everyone else.
We have totally fucked things up. He should be SILENCED, and damn his 1A Right.
The white supremacists are still hard at work. Stay vigilant.
It won't be long before the performative shame some of them express regarding full-throated anti-Semitism will dissipate.
"The ReAwaken America tour, which has been going around the country, is making its latest stop at Trump National Doral in Miami on Friday and Saturday."
The attendance fee for these events is "50% off for all pastors."
#Doral #Florida #antifa #StopTrump #QAnon #ResistEvil #FuckTrump
#florida #doral #fucktrump #resistevil #qanon #stoptrump #antifa
The biggest neo-fascist in the land, and Donald Trump is planning a rally this week.
Where - Manchester, New Hampshire - The double tree armory in downtown.
When - Thursday April 27th, 4pm eastern time.
If you can stop by to let this fascist, chauvinist, and all around douche know -
All Trump rallies should be as disrupted as the capitol was on Jan 6th!
" the most dangerous period in time of the history... "
I would slightly agree as the U.S. has an ex-neo-fascist that is seeking power again.
World faces ‘most dangerous period of time in history’ – Trump https://www.rt.com/news/574689-trump-says-world-in-most-dangerous-time/
...“The twice-impeached former president’s rhetoric is reckless, reprehensible and irresponsible,” Jeffries said at a news conference. “It’s dangerous. And if he keeps it up, he’s going to get someone killed.” Five people, including a police officer, died as a result of the Jan 6 attack; 140 officers suffered injuries. #STOPTRUMP
#stoptrump #politics #insurrection #trumpindictment
🚨 Let's do this & support MaryLTrump
I just signed up for 2 tix too!
Follow the link in tweet then share
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #ArrestTrump #stoptrump
Stealing from the homeless is fascism.
#fucktherepubliklanparty #fucktheusa #noexploitation #DeathToImperialism #stoptrump #deathtofascism #socialism2023
* Reminder that the dump is having a rally this weekend. It you can, stop by and "act civil".
:antifa: :anarchist_flag: :anarchismtrans: #fucktrump
An update on Trumps neo-fascist campaign.
A rally is being planned for the end of January.
When: Saturday January 28th, 4pm est
Where: Columbia, South Carolina. The state house.
If you can stop by and let Trump and his fellow neo-fascists know they have no place in the American republic.
All Trump rallies should be as disturbed as the capitol was on January 6th!
#fucktrump #stopfascism #stoptrump #seekndestroyhate
An update on Trumps neo-fascist campaign.
A rally is being planned for the end of January.
When: Saturday January 28th, 4pm est
Where: Columbia, South Carolina. The state house.
If you can stop by and let Trump and his fellow neo-fascists know they have no place in the American republic.
All Trump rallies should be as disturbed as the capitol was on January 6th!
#stopfascism #stoptrump #seekndestroyhate
I get emotional every time I think of #VolodymyrZelenskyy and his example of how much a person can rise to the most horrific challenges and history by standing up to bullies for the good of others--and at risk of his own life. The kind of friend and leader one would both want and want to be. @ZelenskyyUa #SupportUkraine #StopPutin #StopTrump #StopDeSantis #Democracy #Equality https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2022/12/22/zelensky-us-congress-speech-full-sot-vpx.cnn
#VolodymyrZelenskyy #supportUkraine #StopPutin #stoptrump #stopdesantis #democracy #equality
RT @cartoonist_gal@twitter.com
#UvaldeTX #Uvalde #stoptrump #NRAIsATerroristOrganization #StopGunViolence #safeschools #unitednations #biden #TexasSchoolMassacre #Editorial #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon #thenewyorktimes #texasschool #stopviolence #America
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cartoonist_gal/status/1531882643934941184
#uvaldetx #Uvalde #stoptrump #nraisaterroristorganization #stopgunviolence #safeschools #unitednations #biden #texasschoolmassacre #editorial #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon #thenewyorktimes #texasschool #stopviolence #america
#StopTrump 👉livestream from Museumplein: https://fb.watch/1yI-w5aRA9/
Our demands our simple:
✊ Defend people
🌍 Defend our planet
🗳️Defend democracy
🧮Count Every Vote
#StopTrump, vanaf 20 uur, Museumplein ✊
Of kijk de livestream op https://www.facebook.com/klimaatactie
RT @Klimaatactie@twitter.com
#DefendDemocracy! Vanavond is er een protest op het Museumplein tegen Trump en voor eerlijke verkiezingen. #StopTrump #CountEveryVote Breng een fietslampje! https://twitter.com/Nielsjongerius/status/1323938430489866241
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Klimaatactie/status/1323949416412270592
#CountEveryVote #defenddemocracy #stoptrump
#StopTrump, vanaf 20 uur, Museumplein ✊
Of kijk onze livestream:
RT @Klimaatactie@twitter.com
#DefendDemocracy! Vanavond is er een protest op het Museumplein tegen Trump en voor eerlijke verkiezingen. #StopTrump #CountEveryVote Breng een fietslampje! https://twitter.com/Nielsjongerius/status/1323938430489866241
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Klimaatactie/status/1323949416412270592
#CountEveryVote #defenddemocracy #stoptrump
#DefendDemocracy! Vanavond is er een protest op het Museumplein tegen Trump en voor eerlijke verkiezingen. #StopTrump #CountEveryVote Breng een fietslampje!
#CountEveryVote #stoptrump #defenddemocracy