So, here is a #PowerShell #ResourceGraph query to list all storage accounts and their #allowSharedKeyAccess settings:
Search-AzGraph -Query "resources | where type =~ 'Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts' | extend allowSharedKeyAccess = parse_json(properties).allowSharedKeyAccess | project subscriptionId, resourceGroup, name, allowSharedKeyAccess"
#Azure #StorageAccount #SharedKeyAccess
#powershell #resourcegraph #allowsharedkeyaccess #azure #storageaccount #sharedkeyaccess
[Share] Change how a #Azure #storageaccount is replicated! How to change the replication setting(s) for an existing storage account. Change LRS to ZRS etc., without opening a Microsoft Support case!
A Look at Different Options for Storing and Searching Sentinel Archived Logs.
Options available for storing and searching Sentinel logs beyond the retention period:
1. Azure Data Explorer (ADX) - recommended for users who need to frequently query the data
2. Retention and Archive Policies in Log Analytics Workspaces - recommended for users that want to query the data on occasion
3. Exporting Data to an Azure Storage Account - recommended for users who rarely need to perform queries on the data or have specific querying needs
4. Storage account export via Logic Apps - recommended for users who rarely need to perform queries on the data and have their storage account set in a different region than their log analytics workspace
Learn more here:
#azure #analytics #data #export #microsoft #microsoftsentinel #sentinel #siem #soar #loganalytics #logicapp #adx #AzureDataExplorer #storage #storageaccount #kql #archive #analytics #basic #log #restore #retention #cloud #multicloud #soc #compliance #hunting
#azure #analytics #data #export #microsoft #MicrosoftSentinel #sentinel #siem #soar #loganalytics #logicapp #adx #azuredataexplorer #storage #storageaccount #KQL #archive #basic #log #restore #retention #cloud #multicloud #soc #compliance #hunting