VinFast, a Vietnamese electric car maker, will install ultrafast batteries in its EVs in 2025. The batteries are made by StoreDot, an Israeli company that claims to deliver 100 miles (160 lilimeters) for 5 minutes of charging. The batteries use a new technology called XFC that could revolutionize the EV market.
#vinfast #storedot #ultrafastbatteries #vietnam #isreal
電動車充電 5 分鐘可行 160 公里 新充電技術電池組可減輕 200 公斤
電池開發商 StoreDot 的極端快速充電(XFC)電池技術,其矽主導電池能減輕電動車電池組的重量及成本,只 […]
The post 電動車充電 5 分鐘可行 160 公里 新充電技術電池組可減輕 200 公斤 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #StoreDot #極端快速充電技術 #電動車
#科技趣聞 #storedot #極端快速充電技術 #電動車
#notishorts - Carga rápida en #BMW, más registros de EVs que en 2022, aumenta el costo de batería, #storedot batería ultrarápida, Europa teme no tener técnicos pero en Costa Rica todo bien.
#israeli company #StoreDot claims to have fast charging #battery . If true this would be extremely important for #EVs and #renewableenergy
InsideEVs : StoreDot's Extreme Fast-Charging EV Batteries Validated By Third Party.
#israeli #storedot #battery #evs #renewableenergy