A Salvadoran storefront church opened up the street from my house a few weeks ago and most afternoons and evenings they sell just fantastic pan con pollo and pastelitos Savaldoreños, neither of which is very common as street food here.
#LosAngeles #LA #ComidaSalvadoreña #SalvadoranFood #ElSalvador #VermontAvenue #SouthLA #SouthCentralLA #PanConPollo #PastelitosSalvadoreños #Empanadas #Curtido #StorefrontChurch
#losangeles #la #comidasalvadorena #salvadoranfood #elsalvador #vermontavenue #southla #southcentralla #panconpollo #pastelitossalvadorenos #empanadas #curtido #storefrontchurch
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheMorningAfterMix
Storefront Church:
🎵 Words
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheMorningAfterMix #storefrontchurch
samstagmorgenmusik: storefront church – waking up
#morgenmusik #storefrontchurch
#MorgenMusik #storefrontchurch
West 25th. Street, Cleveland Ohio
-December 7, 2022
I shot from on this sidewalk several different occasions but I always wanted to get a wide front view shot though, that requires standing in the middle of the SB lane of a busy West.25th. street.
I had better results on this Sunday morning.
https://pbase.com/image/173306289/original / https://www.instagram.com/p/CnXlUBiJLlk/
#cleveland #clarkfulton #streetphotography #storefrontchurch #december2022
#cleveland #clarkfulton #streetphotography #storefrontchurch #december2022
It's still #BandcampFriday for another hour and change here on the West Coast and this new #Low cover is just about making me sob:
#ThreeInchesAboveTheFloor #TooManyWords #StorefrontChurch #PhoebeBridgers #MissYouMimi
#threeinchesabovethefloor #missyoumimi #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #toomanywords #low #BandcampFriday
It's still #BandcampFriday for another hour and change here on the West Coast and this new #Low cover is just about making me sob.
<iframe style="border: 0; width: 350px; height: 442px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=2946653251/size=large/bgcol=161718/linkcol=0561b0/tracklist=false/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="https://storefrontchurchmusic.bandcamp.com/track/words-as-originally-performed-by-low-featuring-phoebe-bridgers">Words (as originally performed by Low) - Featuring Phoebe Bridgers by Storefront Church</a></iframe>
#TooManyWords #StorefrontChurch #PhoebeBridgers #MissYouMimi
#missyoumimi #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #toomanywords #low #BandcampFriday
#LukasFrank, the Artist To Watch who records as #StorefrontChurch, and his childhood friend #PhoebeBridgers have teamed up on a cover of “Words” from #Low ’s 1994 debut I Could Live In Hope.
#Music #stereogum #BandCamp #low #phoebebridgers #storefrontchurch #lukasfrank