Beaverton: To combat self-checkout theft, stores experimenting with new human cashier pilot program #satire #canada #commentary #self-checkouts #Automation #Business #stores #Tech
#satire #Canada #commentary #self #automation #business #stores #Tech
“Going #shopping” is dead
How #stores sucked the fun out of an American pastime
#CriterionCollection / #BarnesAndNoble 50% off #sale starts today and ends July 28. Valid online and in #stores.
"Shop from over 1,000 #films, including new #4K #UHD editions of #AfterHours, #OneFalseMove ... #TheRulesOfTheGame ... collector’s sets including #Pasolini101"
#pasolini101 #therulesofthegame #onefalsemove #afterhours #uhd #4k #films #stores #sale #BarnesandNoble #criterioncollection
#STORES さんから 燻製工房 #KUNMARUさんのソーセージとローストビーフをいただきました。
#KUNMARUさんのソーセージとローストビーフをいただきました #stores
#STORES さんから 燻製工房 #KUNMARUさんのソーセージとローストビーフをいただきました。
#KUNMARUさんのソーセージとローストビーフをいただきました #stores
From #Blockbuster to #Loehmanns: Revisiting the #Stores That Shaped Us
#blockbuster #loehmanns #stores
#rubykaigi #STORES
#rubykaigi #STORES
#rubykaigi #STORES
Have you seen our coverage of the Steam Deck launching in Japan Stores? What do you think?
#steamdeck #japan #launch #stores #linux #linuxgaming
#SteamDeck #japan #launch #stores #linux #linuxgaming
More #stores need #kilted #cows eating #IceCream... #CowsOfMastodon
#stores #kilted #cows #icecream #cowsofmastodon #fortwilliam #scotland
Steam Deck Will be Sold in Physical Stores in Japan Next Week, and We Will Cover the Launch Event:
#linux #linuxgaming #update #release #hardware #steamdeck #stores #edion #osaka #japan #launch
#linux #linuxgaming #update #release #hardware #SteamDeck #stores #edion #osaka #japan #launch
All of my products and stores under one roof! 🙂 #entrepreneur #etsy #amazon #stores #womanowned
#entrepreneur #etsy #amazon #stores #womanowned
Abitare : Experimenting with materials #interiordesign #Projects #Chicago #stores
#interiordesign #projects #chicago #stores
Today’s excitement: got a #haircut. Then I dropped off a pair of slippers at our local #shoe #repair shop for Sarah. Happily, they can be fixed and resoled. Buy quality footwear, kids. After that I visited two favorite #music #stores, one of which is now carrying #pedals by #GreerAmps. Nick Greer is a friend, so I sent him some pics. Then I got takeout from a fave Chinese restaurant and went home to share it. Then I emailed some reference #mixes to a #client. And now I’m gonna goof off. See ya.
#haircut #shoe #repair #music #stores #pedals #greeramps #mixes #client
Thank you #edge29chaos
#packfreshusa #pack #packing #longterm #shelfstable #shelfstablefood #store #stores #food #emergency #costeffective #business
#edge29chaos #packfreshusa #pack #packing #longterm #shelfstable #shelfstablefood #store #stores #food #emergency #costeffective #business
The Cool Hunter : Officine Universelle Buly Boutique, Kobe, Japan #Design #Stores
This one has been flying around my #Facebook friends list. In and of itself, it’s true. I have no argument with what it says. But there’s a lot it’s not saying, and I can’t help but feel like it’s designed to disparage the #15minuteCity concept by that omission.
First, the concept itself. The idea of the 15-minute city (“#15mC”) is pretty simple: everything you need for your daily life should be within 15 minutes’ #walk. Some definitions have “walk or #bicycle ride,” but I think that drastically weakens the concept.
In other words, a healthy, able-bodied adult should be able to get to all the usual destinations in no more than a quarter of an hour, on foot. I would add to this that #children, the #elderly, and people of all ages with #disabilities should also be able to get where they’re going via accessible #public #transit, in the same amount of time.
All the usual destinations. Which yes, means #grocery #stores, #restaurants, #movie #theaters, etc.—for people who #work there as well as the patrons. And every other kind of #workplace too. Of course you don’t have to work or eat or shop close to home. But the option needs to be there, and the work has to be able to pay for all the rest.
That’s always been part of the concept. If the work criterion is not met, you don’t have a 15mC; you have a theme park, like the post says. Fair enough.
Yes, and? If you have a #house without a roof, you don’t have a house, you have a collection of walls. If you have a plate without #food on it, you don’t have a meal, you have #hunger. If you have a #legislature that can arbitrarily kick out its members for voicing their opinions, you don’t have #liberty, you have #tyranny. Everyone understands this.
So if we agree that the 15mC is a good idea—I certainly think it is—then let’s try to make it happen. This kind of sniping strikes me as less a valid critique and more an attempt to make the whole idea sound impossible.
Maybe that’s not the intent, but it’s sure how it comes across. Yeah … don’t do that.
#disabilities #movie #legislature #liberty #facebook #workplace #house #15MinuteCity #15mc #bicycle #children #elderly #public #transit #grocery #restaurants #theaters #food #hunger #tyranny #walk #stores #work