With the wind lessening to a moderate to strong #levante we saw the #migratory flood gates open!
5,087 White #Stork, 4,381 Black #Kites dominated the skies with the gaps full of Egyptian Vultures, Booted & Short-toed #Eagles, European Honey #Buzzards, Montagu´s #Harriers, Black Storks, European Bee-eaters and more!
However many more did not cross - tomorrow more!
Going the other way this vagrant House Bunting came in from The #Straits and spent a couple minutes hanging at our watchpoint!
#levante #migratory #stork #kites #eagles #buzzards #harriers #straits
Mu - mu - mutabor! Kalif oder Großwesir in Gedanken 🤔
#storch #stork #marchen #fairytales #wilhelmhauff
Universele #reparatieset #Stork #CMA #CME #CML (#ombouw #huisventilatie)
#huisventilatie #ombouw #CML #cme #cma #stork #reparatieset
Hoch die Köpfe, Wochenende!
#photography #fotografie #nature #natur #stork #storch
Large wing stroke: Lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) maneuvering in the air over #Brunei. Lesser adjutants can have wing spans exceeding 2m. Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #birds #stork #flight #wildlifephotography
#brunei #borneo #birds #stork #flight #wildlifephotography
Large wing stroke: Lesser adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) maneuvering in the air over #Brunei. Lesser adjutants can have wing spans exceeding 2m. Photo: Husini Bakar. #Borneo #birds #stork #flight #wildlifephotography
#brunei #borneo #birds #stork #flight #wildlifephotography
A bike is not only a great way to commute (almost everyday to the office, groceries, etc.) but it’s also nice opportunity to catch up on podcasts, take some nice photos and spend some time with my own thoughts.
#sunsetphotography #bikeride #stork
Schau mal an. Heute Morgen war der Horst leer und die drei Jungstörche standen beim Nachbarn auf dem Dach und begutachteten die neue Solaranlage. Ich habe sie noch nicht fliegen sehen.
Well, look at that! This morning the nest was empty and the three young storks stood on the roof of the neighbors and examined the new solar system. I didn’t see them fly yet.
#stork #storch #inthevillage #imdorf
Die Jungstörche waren heute sehr aktiv. Im Dorf gibt es drei Nester mit jeweils drei Jungvögeln. Ich warte gespannt auf den Tag, an dem sie ausfliegen. Bald werden sie alle hier am Himmel kreisen, ich freue mich 😃.
The young storks were very active today. There are three nests, each with three young birds, in the village. I am looking forward to the day they fly out. Soon they will all be circling the sky here, I'm happy 😃.
#inthevillage #imdorf #stork #storch
The Isabelline #Warbler (or Western Olivaceous Warbler!) is one of those special scarce and extremely localised species that you can happily encounter here in The #Straits being confined in Europe to the Iberian peninsula and mostly southern #Andalucía.
At the moment they are still busy feeding fledglings, this one locking on to a moth!
Also today 2 White-rumped #Swift cruised into our scope views and yet more White #Stork on their march into #Africa!
#warbler #straits #andalucia #swift #stork #africa #flywaybirding #zarcerobereber #birding
There's lots of stork nests around here, and it looks like a good year for breeding. This nest has two offspring which are already fully grown. One of the adults was in a nearby field looking for some juicy frogs.
#stork #bird #lithuania #villagelife
J'ai pris quelques cigognes au passage. Alors il y a des cigognes partout, oui mais pas sur les round ballers. Or mon papa aime les cigognes sur les round ballers. Eh bien je n'ai pas mieux que la photo 4 pour le moment.
#cigogne #stork #storch #valgeToonekurg
#cigogne #stork #storch #valgetoonekurg
Bird of the Day - Marabou Stork, Tanzania 2018
Stout and bald
#birds #BirdsOfMastodon #wildlife #stork #nature #photography #Africa #tanzania
#birds #birdsofmastodon #wildlife #stork #nature #photography #africa #tanzania
Hier sind übrigens die drei Kleinen vom Storch, den ich gestern gezeigt habe. Sind sie nicht toll 😍. Schon bald werden sie mit Flugübungen beginnen.
By the way, here are the three little ones from the stork that I showed yesterday. Aren't they great. Soon they will start doing flying exercises 😁.
Ich habe heute Abend wieder eine tolle #Fahrradrunde gemacht und als ich zurück ins Dorf kam, stand dieser Storch auf dem Dach dieses schönen Hauses. Wahrscheinlich vom Nachwuchs aus seinem Horst vertrieben. Gute Nacht, schlaf gut.
I did another great #bicycleround tonight and when I came back in the village, this stork was standing on the roof of this beautiful house. Probably expelled from its eyrie by the offspring. Good night, sleep well.
#imdorf #stork #storch #bicycleround #fahrradrunde
It's that season again!
#Photography #Stork #BirdsOfMastodon #birdphotography #Nature #Zwolle #Overijssel
#overijssel #zwolle #nature #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #stork #photography
TIL: You can observe #stork hatchlings live from Rust in Burgenland, Austria.
A white stork (Ciconia ciconia) having breakfast.
The prey animal is most probably a #vole (#Microtus sp.)
#photography #photo #nature #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #macrophotography #nature #naturephotography #animals #wildlife #birds #stork #ciconia #ciconiaciconia #störche #weißstorch
#vole #microtus #photography #photo #nature #naturephotography #mft #microfourthirds #darktable #macrophotography #animals #wildlife #birds #stork #Ciconia #CiconiaCiconia #storche #Weißstorch