#Today in Mirabar, Bavarx, Saroth and Tyransaurus Rethel took on Harshnagg Santa in The Prospect Fight Arena. #DND #StormKingsThunder #Finishing5e
#today #dnd #stormkingsthunder #finishing5e
Had such a brilliant time at #Dragonmeet2022 in London yesterday. Bought a load of great books, some amazing dice, met Ian Livingstone and got his autograph, and we finished our regular #StormKingsThunder campaign which we started last year at #Dragonmeet!
Already looking forward to next year and thanks to all the organisers and gophers! #Gaming #Tabletop #RPG
#rpg #tabletop #gaming #dragonmeet #stormkingsthunder #Dragonmeet2022
Had such a brilliant time at #Dragonmeet2022 in London yesterday. Bought a load of great books, some amazing dice, met Ian Livingstone and got his autograph, and we finished our regular #StormKingsThunder campaign which we started last year at #Dragonmeet!
Already looking forward to next year and thanks to all the organisers and gophers! #Gaming #Tabletop #RPG
#rpg #tabletop #gaming #dragonmeet #stormkingsthunder #Dragonmeet2022
Had such a brilliant time at #Dragonmeet2022 in London yesterday. Bought a load of great books, some amazing dice, met Ian Livingstone and got his autograph, and we finished our regular #StormKingsThunder campaign which we started last year at #Dragonmeet!
Already looking forward to next year and thanks to all the organisers and gophers! #Gaming #Tabletop #RPG
#rpg #tabletop #gaming #dragonmeet #stormkingsthunder #Dragonmeet2022
For the last year I've been running the #DnD5e #WizardsOfTheCoast campaign #StormKingsThunder and I do really love it, although I'd make some big changes next time.
Firstly we skipped the intro part to the campaign and instead ran #LostMineOfPhandelver which was a great intro and got players invested in the world.
The next large section is the "Wilderness" part in which players follow quests to get information and allies. In future I'd mostly remove this and get to the giants quickly!
#dnd5e #wizardsofthecoast #stormkingsthunder #lostmineofphandelver
@lowdownfool I'm DMing #StormKingsThunder at the moment although we're really close to finishing. It's been a bit of an epic and if I ran it again I'd cut a lot out but it's been a good one!
Next up is #WaterdeepDragonheist !
#stormkingsthunder #WaterdeepDragonheist