Watching an old miniseries, "Storm of the Century". As a New England native, I am once again begging actors: if you can't NAIL the accent, just skip it, like Tim Daly did in that series. It's still plenty believable, trust me.
#stephenking #stormofthecentury #notthatstormy
We need to bring #StephenKing over from the birdysite.
Stephen King is the salve for your horror loving soul.
He has to know about Mastodon.
That other place is like
Shit Storm of the Century.
We need Stephen King.
Make it happen.
#StephenKing #TheStand #Misery #It #Cujo #Christine #Carrie #TheShining #PetSematary #SalemsLot #GreenMile #Firestarter #NeedfulThings #Dreamcatcher #Thinner #StormOfTheCentury
#stephenking #thestand #misery #it #cujo #christine #carrie #theshining #petsematary #salemslot #greenmile #firestarter #needfulthings #dreamcatcher #thinner #stormofthecentury
Hear me out: has anyone tried just giving the winter storms a child yet?
#Horror #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #StephenKing #StormOfTheCentury
#horror #horrormovies #horrorfam #stephenking #stormofthecentury
Of COURSE this is the day my kid and their partner are scheduled to fly from NY to TX. I'm on edge for so many, many reasons. :transheart:
#stormofthecentury #bombcyclone #transrights #worriedmom
“Give me what I want and I will go away”
#MidnightMass #stormofthecentury #stephenking