Does anyone else have the Story Engine Deck and use it nonstop anytime they break it out? 😂 I’m obsessed with creating various pieces of worldbuilding material like this.
I’ve been playing with the idea of something similar but with conlangs. I think that would be so much fun as well.
#writing #storyenginedeck #storyengine #worldbuilding #fantasy #conlang #fiction #scifi
#SciFi #fiction #conlang #Fantasy #worldbuilding #storyengine #storyenginedeck #Writing
Follow-up hack: Cutting off a slice from the sides allows for the front to fold down, giving easier access to the cards. Since the top cover folds over, the box can still be closed safely for transport.
Salvaging the booster packaging so that I can have more separators in the #StoryEngineDeck box.
#storyenginedeck #diy #storytelling
Which story of our times is this? #amwriting #WritingPrompts #StoryEngineDeck
#amwriting #writingprompts #storyenginedeck
Writing exercise, getting some inspiration from the #StoryEngineDeck. #amwriting