#SundayStory #StorySunday - Great ghost story by #MarÃaAlejandraBarrios
Not all ghosts are dead people.
@smokelong @bookstodon #amReading #GhostStory #writers #writingcommunity
#sundaystory #storysunday #mariaalejandrabarrios #amreading #ghoststory #writers #writingcommunity
Final episode of Magical Mafias Book 1 is posted on Dreamwidth, with links to the audio version. https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/20398.html !!!
Everything for this week's and last week's Magical Mafias episodes (Episode 23: Breathing Is a Moment Stolen from the Void and Episode 24: Metamoury) is posted!
Twitch VOD is up on https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers
YouTube VOD is up on https://youtube.com/@skylarkrogers
Dreamwidth text version: https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/episodes,in-post?mode=and
Ko-Fi is where to go to leave a tip and see series art, including this week's cover and bonus art: (https://ko-fi.com/skylarkrogers)
#SundayStory 4 #StorySunday
Having recently spent some time with my old school friends, brought to mind one fof my favorite stories of all time, "Me and Miss Mandible" by Donald Barthelme. One thing i love about it: I keep trying to correct the title. 😂
@bookstodon #bookstodon #amReading
#sundaystory #storysunday #bookstodon #amreading #writingcommunity
In 5 minutes, I'll be streaming Magical Mafias Episode 23: Breathing Is a Moment Stolen from the Void on Twitch (00:00-45:00) and Discord (45:00-end). This is the first episode of the cozy epilogue, and the Discord scene will be delightfully spicy.
See https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers/schedule for start time for the Twitch portion.
If you need a Discord invite, ping me.
This week's thumbnail art is made using Midjourney, prompted by me, before I stopped using Midjourney. See https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/7298.html for my policy on that and why.
Everything for this week's Magical Mafias episode (Episode 22: Death Be a Revolution) is posted!!!
This is the arc finale~. After this, we'll have three or so episodes of epilogue before the book wraps up!
Twitch VOD is up on https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers
YouTube VOD is up on https://youtube.com/@skylarkrogers
Dreamwidth text version: https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/episodes,in-post?mode=and
Ko-Fi is where to go to leave a tip and see series art, including this week's cover: (https://ko-fi.com/skylarkrogers) Cover image is the ballroom at the Morley magical school. A GIMP photomanip by me using Castle Room Window by Peter H from Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/photos/castle-room-window-ballroom-pomp-1998435/) (CC0) and Earth World Map from GDJ on Pixabay (https://pixabay.com/vectors/earth-world-map-globe-line-art-5932372/) (CC0).
Link to the spoiler corner, if you need it (among other things, answers who lives/dies and how the relationships shake out): https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/spoiler+corner
Streaming in about half an hour! Magical Mafias episode 22, the arc finale~!!! Everything after this will be epilogue. http://twitch.tv/skylarkrogers #StorySunday #SundayStory
Streaming in about half an hour! Magical Mafias episode 22, the arc finale~!!! Everything after this will be epilogue. http://twitch.tv/skylarkrogers #StorySunday #SundayStory
Streaming in about half an hour! Magical Mafias episode 22, the arc finale~!!! Everything after this will be epilogue. http://twitch.tv/skylarkrogers #StorySunday #SundayStory
This one is from a few months ago, but I thought I would give it another airing.
This was from a prompt for a retelling of Hansel and Gretel, but it largely unwinds in reverse.
Check out Bones Like Breadcrumbs
#SundayStory #StorySunday #ShortStory #Fiction
#fiction #shortstory #storysunday #SundayStory
Everything for this week's Magical Mafias episode (Episode 21: Allies and Just Lies) is posted!!!
Next week will be the arc finale, and then we'll have three episodes of epilogue before the book wraps up!
Twitch VOD is up on https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers
YouTube VOD is up on https://youtube.com/@skylarkrogers
Dreamwidth text version: https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/episodes,in-post?mode=and
Ko-Fi is where to go to leave a tip and see series art, including this week's thumbnail: (https://ko-fi.com/skylarkrogers) Thumbnail is a GIMP photomanip by me using Shirtless Man Sitting in Armchair by Vladimir Konoplev from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/shirtless-man-sitting-in-armchair-10774888/ (CC0) and Grasshopper with Red Wings from Dr. Pas on Deposit Photos: https://depositphotos.com/84271888/stock-photo-grasshopper-with-red-wings.html (standard license).
Link to the spoiler corner, if you need it (among other things, answers who lives/dies and how the relationships shake out): https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/spoiler+corner
About to start the stream! #StorySunday #SundayStory http://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers
A short story about a tiny time loop with, An Island in the Stream of Time.
It’s a rainy Sunday morning here, so a nice time to sit down and read.
#StorySunday #ShortStory #WritingCommunity #Writing #AmWriting #ScienceFiction
#sciencefiction #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #shortstory #storysunday
aaaah I meant to post something for #StorySunday but forgot!
Here's a standalone vignette from #EmpathAndAugur, a rare bit from Erika, the Empath's perspective. I originally posted it to tell my therapist how I felt about mirrors / dysphoria. #writing
#storysunday #EmpathAndAugur #writing
Everything for this week's Magical Mafias episode (Episode 20: Visitation) is posted.
Twitch VOD is up on https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers
YouTube VOD is up on https://youtube.com/@skylarkrogers
Dreamwidth text version: https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/episodes,in-post?mode=and
Ko-Fi is where to go to leave a tip and see series art, including this week's thumbnail: (https://ko-fi.com/skylarkrogers)
Link to the spoiler corner, if you need it (among other things, answers who lives/dies and how the relationships shake out): https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/spoiler+corner
@zutalorz This one is a little older, but I think it's a good lazy Sunday afternoon read.
#writingcommumity #shortstory #storysunday
In about an hour, I'll be streaming Magical Mafias Episode 20: Visitation on https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers/
As always, I'll do a Story So Far summary at the beginning of the episode.
dont forget you can use #StorySunday for your writing and reading selections so people can know where to find it.
Everything for this week's Magical Mafias episode (Episode 19: Disenchanted) is posted.
Twitch VOD is up on https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers
YouTube VOD is up on https://youtube.com/@skylarkrogers
Dreamwidth text version: https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/episodes,in-post?mode=and
Ko-Fi is where to go to leave a tip and see series art, including this week's thumbnail: (https://ko-fi.com/skylarkrogers)
Thumbnail art info: Smashed Pumpkin by Hilary Halliwell on Flickr www.flickr.com/photos/150654414@N02/32350529195/in/faves-197145659@N08 (CC BY 2.0) Cropped to thumbnail aspect ratio.
Link to the spoiler corner, if you need it (among other things, answers who lives/dies and how the relationships shake out): https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/tag/spoiler+corner
Hello, #StorySunday / #SundayStory ! Pleasant coincidence to see this hashtag, as Sundays are my update days. I write and narrate the serial Magical Mafias, a spy thriller/kinky poly romance with faeries, wizards, and the undead. My landing page and the text of the serials is https://skylarkrogers.dreamwidth.org/, which I try to keep well-organized with tags. Narration goes up live on Twitch on Sundays https://www.twitch.tv/skylarkrogers and then gets archived on YouTube youtube.com/@skylarkrogers. I take tips on ko-fi.com/skylarkrogers, which also hosts series art.