Stand jetzt Anschlussverlust in #STR (@ RE 1 ➜ Trier Hbf) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1416495
Dann mal weiter nach Hause
Mit RE Richtung Luxemburg.
Umstieg in #STR (@ RE 1 ➜ Trier Hbf) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1408200
Ab nach Hause
Fahrzeugwechsel in #STR von CFL Kiss 2 auf Süwex Flirt 3 (Fahrzeug wird in #STR bereitgestellt) (@ RE 1 ➜ Saarburg(Bz Trier)) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1386128
RE ist bisher noch nicht in #STR abgefahren
Ersatzweise also RB
Anschlussverlust in Wasserbillig... (@ RB 83 ➜ Wasserbillig) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1380046
ICRC Humanitarian Law & Policy Blog *️⃣ People, principles, and processes: accountability in humanitarian action ➡️ https://blogs.icrc.org/law-and-policy/2023/08/29/people-principles-processes-accountability-humanitarian-action/ #️⃣ #Accountability #Analysis #Humanitarian_Action #Humanitarian_Principles #accountability #affected_populations #armed_conflict #human_rights #humanitarian_action #humanitarian_operations #humanitarian_principles #peoplecentred_approach #peoplecentric #protection #str
#accountability #analysis #humanitarian_action #humanitarian_principles #affected_populations #armed_conflict #human_rights #humanitarian_operations #peoplecentred_approach #peoplecentric #protection #str
+9 --> Verspätetes Personal aus RB71 aus #STR (@ RE 1 ➜ Saarburg(Bz Trier)) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1369899
Flt: EFD6S #EiseleFlugdienst #STR-#LUG
First seen: 2023/08/25 16:38:28
Min Alt: 4075 ft MSL
Min Dist: 9.17 mi
#planefence #adsb #mendip
#eiseleflugdienst #str #lug #planefence #adsb #mendip
Flt: #DUKE15 #WIE-#STR
First seen: 2023/08/21 18:02:19
Min Alt: 3775 ft MSL
Min Dist: 2.54 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Flt: #DUKE15 #WIE-#STR
First seen: 2023/08/21 16:03:35
Min Alt: 4775 ft MSL
Min Dist: 0.43 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Miami’s top cop tried to commit suicide. Mental health remains an issue for first responders :
The biggest threat to law enforcement officers --and often, their families-- is not any armed criminal. It is themselves.
#AlEskanazy #AlfredoFreddyRamirez #carlosalvarez #CommunityPoliceRelationsFoundation #COVID19 #DanielaLevineCava #DaniellaLevineCava #Domesticabuse #FirstResponder #gunviolence #mentalhealth #MiamiDadeCounty #Police #policing #RobertParker #str
#aleskanazy #alfredofreddyramirez #carlosalvarez #communitypolicerelationsfoundation #COVID19 #danielalevinecava #daniellalevinecava #DomesticAbuse #firstresponder #gunviolence #mentalhealth #miamidadecounty #Police #policing #robertparker #str
ICAO: #AE0133
Flt: #DUKE15 #WIE-#STR
First seen: 2023/07/26 20:22:47
Min Alt: 4975 ft MSL
Min Dist: 2.47 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
2 Wildunfälle
1 defektes Fahrzeug
Expressbus bis #STR --> Taxi weiter nach #SSAB (@ Bus EV ➜ Trier Hbf) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/1257102
#lili #str #ssab #nowtrawelling
#alo #str #astonmartin #hungariangp #f1
Flt: #DUKE15 #WIE-#STR
First seen: 2023/07/20 14:48:56
Min Alt: 7750 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.18 km
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Internet in #STR immer noch kaputt 👀
Als ich um 18 hier war, war auch schon alles so