Thanks for posting this photograph and for telling this man's story.
Hine's so good. Each of his photographs is rich in actual information, each has natural visual grace, and collectively they mark out a common style of compassion and visual honesty. Documentary photography and "Straight Photography" at their absolute bests.
#lewishine #immigrants #straightphotography #documentaryphotography
I am in two minds about the #Pictorialists. They blurred resolution and thus reduced hard information. But they were also technical masters and took endless trouble to create the right contrast and tonality, which enhances information in another dimension. #Stieglitz photographing car horses on a snowy day is documentary photography in disguise. The pages of Stiglitz's "Camera Work" magazine show #StraightPhotography emerging from the Pictorialists: FH Evans, Strand.
#pictorialists #stieglitz #straightphotography
Great photo and great background story, thanks!
Berenice Abbott is such a powerful photographer: always technically solid and visually resonant, fantastic tonality with those luminous highlights, --- but never "artistic". Instead it is always the subject that quietly takes centre stage. "Straight Photography" in its purest form. Atget and Walker Evans are related but perhaps too poetic to be straight Straight? Lewis Hine might be the closest.
#straightphotography #bereniceabbott