#MammothMonday #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #HouseOfMammoth Tobacconist
• Post: #SummerBreakSoaps Valedictorian
• Frag: #ChatillonLux Gratiot League Square
Fantastic scent combo Tobacconist ⇒ Valedictorian ⇒ Gratiot League Square. 👨🍳's 😚
The horse brush keeps impressing me, and the Böker feels great. This kind of shave is what I have in mind when I laud the benefits of #wetshaving.
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#mammothmonday #samplestraightember #zenith #boker #houseofmammoth #summerbreaksoaps #chatillonlux #wetshaving #straightrazor #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Vetiver #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #MartinDeCandre Vetyver
• Post & Frag: #ScottishFineSoapsCo Vetiver & Sandalwood
Vet(y|i)ver ++;
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #martindecandre #scottishfinesoapsco #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Fufluns #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #AbbatyYLaMantia Fufluns
• Post & Frag: #Sir Irisch Moos
Fufluns & Irisch Moos ++;
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #abbatyylamantia #sir #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
#SecondLuxuryShave #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Friodur 14
• Lather: #FitjarIslands Holme
• Post: #Schmiere 1959
The Frio 14 is a treasure; so smooth, so controlled
Holme +-;
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#secondluxuryshave #samplestraightember #zenith #friodur #fitjarislands #schmiere #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
#FougèreFriday #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Fougère Nemeta
• Post: #StirlingSoapCo Varen
• Frag: #SpearheadShavingCo #Seaforth! Fleur de France
FdF works so nicely with fougères, I'm really liking this combination.
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#fougerefriday #samplestraightember #zenith #boker #southernwitchcrafts #stirlingsoapco #spearheadshavingco #seaforth #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Giddy Up for Smoky #SampleStraightember
• Brush: #Zenith 506U N 🐎
• Razor: #Böker Abalone 🐚
• Lather: #SouthernWitchcrafts Necromantic 🍯
• Post: #SouthernWitchcrafts Autumn Ash 🍁
• Frag: #MaisonMargiela By The Fireplace 🔥
New horse after discussing with @PorkButtsNTaters666 and @sgrdddy
Lovely sweet and smoky shave today
#StraightRazor #wetshaving #Straightember #ShaveOfTheDay #SOTD
#samplestraightember #zenith #boker #southernwitchcrafts #maisonmargiela #straightrazor #wetshaving #straightember #shaveoftheday #sotd
Oh, I really don't do anything special, just a little drop of oil near the pin. You can feel that it goes in because the friction holding the scales diminishes.
I repeat that every few shaves. I *think* this treatment keeps water from getting in there
#wetshaving #straightrazor #straightrazormaintenance
Pretty New Razor Sample #Straightember Shave
• Brush: #Zenith r/Wetshaving exclusive MOAR BOAR
• Razor: #Böker Abalone
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Reserve Fern
• Post: #NobleOtter, #HouseOfMammoth, & #DeclarationGrooming Cerberus Fougère
• Frag: #ArmaniPrivé Bleu Turquoise
This beautiful razor was a gift and arrived yesterday. What a looker! Had to do a green-themed shave, obviously.
#straightember #zenith #boker #barristerandmann #nobleotter #houseofmammoth #declarationgrooming #armaniprive #straightrazor #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
Ultra Saccharine Sample #Straightember Morning Shave
• Brush: #Αλφα Rubberset 400 Tribute
• Razor: #Filarmónica 14 Doble Temple
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Behold the Whatsis
• Post: #WhollyKaw Entropy Man
• Frag: #StirlingSoapCo Sweet Stuff
The sweetest combination from my den for this one. Definitely not something for every day, but it's been fun this morning.
#straightember #αλφα #filarmonica #barristerandmann #whollykaw #stirlingsoapco #straightrazor #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
#SampleStraightember Mammoth Monday
• Brush: #Zenith B21
• Razor: #Filarmónica 14 Doble Temple
• Lather: #ChicagoGroomingCo & #HouseOfMammoth - Armonía
• Post: #SummerBreakSoaps - Valedictorian
• Frag: #HouseOfMammoth - Shire
Smush courtesy of @InfernalInternal 🙏 Great tobacco scent combo for a nice start into the day
#SampleStraightember #StraightRazor #wetshaving #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay
#samplestraightember #zenith #filarmonica #chicagogroomingco #houseofmammoth #summerbreaksoaps #straightrazor #wetshaving #sotd #shaveoftheday
First Sundrunk Sample #SampleStraightember Sunday Shave
• Brush: #Αλφα Rubberset 400 Tribute
• Razor: #Filarmónica 14 Doble Temple
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Nordost
• Post: #BarristerAndMann Seville
• Frag: #ImaginaryAuthors Sundrunk
Fantastic shave this morning. Nordost and Sundrunk are among my favourite summer scents, and the Fili 14 is sublime: Just like wiping your whiskers off with a feather.
#samplestraightember #αλφα #filarmonica #barristerandmann #imaginaryauthors #straightrazor #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
• Brush: #Zenith B21
• Razor: #Filarmónica 14 Doble Temple
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Vespers
• Post: #BarristerAndMann Lavanille
• Frag: #Creed Wind Flowers
This Fili is fantastic. The previous owner kept a great edge geometry. Great three pass shave today. Vespers is a really nice scent
#samplestraightember #zenith #filarmonica #barristerandmann #creed #straightrazor #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
• Brush: #Zenith B21
• Razor: #Filarmónica 14 Doble Temple
• Lather: #FitjarIslands – Fjellheim
• Post Shave: #Lea – Classic Splash
First day of #SampleStraightember, when I use only straights and soap samples or smushes. Great start with this fantastic new-to-me Fili 14 ❤️
#zenith #filarmonica #fitjarislands #lea #samplestraightember #straightrazor #wetshaving #shaveoftheday #sotd
Traveling with a toddler during the #DaysOfWeckoning? I found this solution to keep Djunior and the open blade separate:
A leather cigar box with a hole drilled through so it can be locked shit with a standard TSA cable lock
#AustereAugust #AustereAugustProblems #wetshaving #Weck #StraightRazor
#daysofweckoning #austereaugust #austereaugustproblems #wetshaving #weck #straightrazor
Razor : #DOVO Bismarck INOX
Brush : secondhand pro-tasso 18mm
Soap : #PRORASO sensitive
Alum : #Maggard
#straightrazor #wetshaving #maggard #proraso #dovo #shaveoftheday
Brush: Wald Nimbus Chryselephantine 29mm A1 Fan
Razor: C.V. Heljestrand MK 10 13/16 Half Hollow Square Point
Lather: WestMan Shaving - Alma
Post Shave: Thayers - Rose - Toner
Post Shave:
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
I used a new soap and a new brush today. Both were amazing.
#sotd #shaveoftheday #wetshaving #straightrazor
Razor: #Koraat Sparschweinchen
Brush: #ChiselAndHound Ambrosia Maple with 26 mm Maggard knot
Lather: #BarristerAndMann Fern in Reserve
Aftershave: #StirlingSoapCo Varen
Fragrance: #SpearheadShavingCo #Spearhead! Heather
Haven't done #FougèreFriday in a while and I don't know why. This was positively delicious.
Also, Sparschweinchen++;
#koraat #chiselandhound #barristerandmann #stirlingsoapco #spearheadshavingco #spearhead #fougerefriday #wetshaving #straightrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Happy Juneteenth!
Razor: #Friodur 72-V
Brush: #Zenith B21
Lather & post: #HouseOfMammoth Mood Indigo
Fragrance: #ImaginaryAuthors Saint Julep
The chonky 72-V was quiet and smooth, a bit like by 13/16" Wade and Butcher.
I got complimented on the Julep, too. I think I may have to share this bottle with my wife going forward. I count that as a win.
#friodur #zenith #houseofmammoth #imaginaryauthors #wetshaving #straightrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday
Yes, lemmy is the Reddit replacement. This is more of a light weight bite sized communication thing.
It has a much bigger reach than lemmy, though. If you check the local time line here, you'll notice quite a few sotd posts from people of the wider fediverse. With a bit of luck, we'll manage to get everyone looking for the hashtags #SOTD #ShaveOfTheDay #StraightRazor #SafetyRazor, etc o eventually stumble upon this instance and learn about our lemmy that way, too
#sotd #shaveoftheday #straightrazor #safetyrazor
Boltzmann, Baby
Razor: #Koraat Sparschweinchen
Brush: #ChiselAndHound Azurite
Lather & post: #WhollyKaw Entropy Man
A Wholly Kaw shave to welcome @whollykaw to the fediverse.
#koraat #chiselandhound #whollykaw #wetshaving #straightrazor #sotd #shaveoftheday