“Financial services director Lim Mui Khim, 45, earns three to four times her husband’s salary” <-> ““It doesn’t bother me. My identity and self-worth does not come from my work and income,” said Mr Terrence Tan, 49, a part-time chief technology officer.”
so we are comparing full time women vs part time male workers now? Who comes up with this shit at #StraitsTimes
#LetterOfTheWeek #StraitsTimes #Singapore #STForum
Forum: My smoker friends are thinking of quitting now that I have cancer
"I have never smoked in my life. My oncologist said I match the profile of a typical second-hand smoke victim – my parents and two elder brothers all smoked, and I lived with them till I was 30. I got lung cancer that spread to my brain and body." #StopSmoking #CigarettesKill #SecondHandSmoke
#letteroftheweek #straitstimes #singapore #stforum #stopsmoking #cigaretteskill #SecondHandSmoke
After the ST Media circulation figures debacle, I was curious: who advertises on the Straits Times? So I did something I haven't done for years: read the Straits Times (on the NLB app of course!). Based on a quick flip and a count in the back of my head, two full page advertisements from retail companies, some government agencies, 1 page of obituaries and a few pages of classified ads. Man that's depressing... Don't expect any fireworks from this one #Singapore #straitstimes
#Singapore #StraitsTimes #Forum #LetterOfTheWeek
Forum: Difficult to understand differences in sentencing
"It seems the #law works in ways which can confuse the layman. Take, for example, two cases reported in The Straits Times on Dec 13 .. Jurisprudence and the finer workings of the judicature are perhaps best left to our learned judges. Meanwhile, the layman should just know that he had better not transgress the law." #justice #LegalPractice #Asia
#singapore #straitstimes #forum #letteroftheweek #law #justice #legalpractice #asia
#Singapore #StraitsTimes #STForum #LetterOfTheWeek
Forum: LPA certificate issuers charging hefty fees for their services
"I would like to highlight the high cost of engaging a certificate issuer to witness and certify the lasting power of attorney (LPA). The Office of the Public Guardian’s system .. does not provide information on the fees charged."
#stforum #letteroftheweek #singapore #straitstimes
#Japanese #biotech firm uses worms in ‘world’s first’ early-screening test for #pancreaticcancer
The Straits Times #straitstimes
#japanese #biotech #pancreaticcancer #straitstimes
Suitcase murder suspect extradited from #SouthKorea appears in #NewZealand court
The Straits Times #straitstimes
#southkorea #newzealand #straitstimes
#Japan should demand corrective action from tech giants to ensure fairness in transactions: #JapanNews
The Straits Times #StraitsTimes
#japan #Japannews #straitstimes
#Sony to begin plastic packaging phase-out in 2023
The Straits Times #StraitsTimes