Even if #cryptocurrencies used 2% it would be fine as it solves a #wickedProblem.
Estimates we see are 0.5% and its mostly #renewable, #strandedEnergy and flared stuff that would go to waste otherwise. Also in winter some use it for #heating a small room, and even food prep, eg. #fermentation etc.
The whole energy use alarmism is a #redHerring, and a corporateState #rhetoric.
Stop wasting time, get on board.
Give banks a new job in PGP and SSL cert verification.
#cryptocurrencies #wickedproblem #renewable #strandedEnergy #heating #fermentation #redherring #rhetoric
There were a number of reasons why we disliked eth from the time we first researched it. The main reason was it shunned the idea of #monetisingEnergy, including, #strandedEnergy, รง
It would seem as though many people thought similarly.
Today, the token is looking highly centralised on #Amazon.
This week, help just one person notice that the #ethereumScamTokens are largely a #moneyLaundering product for #wallStreet.
#monetisingEnergy #strandedEnergy #amazon #ethereumScamTokens #moneylaundering #wallstreet #bitcoinCoreFixesThis