“Several Horatio Alger friends also helped finance the marketing of a hagiographic documentary about #ClarenceThomas in the wake of an HBO film that had resurfaced #AnitaHill’s #SexualHarassment allegations against him during his confirmation.
#Whitewashing #SexualHarassment #AnitaHill #BelieveSurvivors #StrangeJustice #WomensRights #HumanRights #SCOTUS #Privilege #Power #Law #Greed
#clarencethomas #anitahill #sexualharassment #whitewashing #believesurvivors #strangejustice #womensrights #humanrights #scotus #privilege #power #law #greed
“On Oct. 15, 1991, #ClarenceThomas secured his seat on the #SupremeCourt, a narrow victory after a bruising confirmation fight that left him isolated & disillusioned.”
(Ahem, old enough to remember that it was women who were the ones left feeling “isolated & disillusioned” post the Clarence Thomas confirmation.)
#SexualHarassment #SecondClassCitizens #AnitaHill #BelieveSurvivors #StrangeJustice #WomensRights #HumanRights
#HoratioAlgerAssociation #SCOTUS #Privilege #Power #Justice #Law
#clarencethomas #supremecourt #sexualharassment #secondclasscitizens #anitahill #believesurvivors #strangejustice #womensrights #humanrights #horatioalgerassociation #scotus #privilege #power #justice #law