kaybeeque · @kaybee335
128 followers · 1486 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I have a

I freely admit to being a member of & don't quite grok the entirety here but I've noticed something close to universal and maybe everyone else is just used to it, so accepts it

Long are the norm here. It's considered polite and good practice

So why can I only find one that takes that into account? Every other one I have tried gives a pathetic one or two line edit area

It's a nightmare on a phone

#strangelyserious #kristhought #TheInflux #imagecaptions #mastodon #client

Last updated 2 years ago

kaybeeque · @kaybee335
128 followers · 1480 posts · Server fosstodon.org

@sirber I have Android apps that I will now be using over 4 Smartphones starting with an HTC One. One of the apps even came from my iTouch (3 of them) and made the trip across

Thought I'd write something about why I'm so attached to these 4-5 apps

Sound good?

..yes, you're responsible for yet *another* hashtag.🤣

It's a good thing that one of the outputs of the has been tracking these spontaneous emissions 👍

... and yes, that's now two🤣😜

#strangelyserious #wearetheweird #TheRabbitHole

Last updated 2 years ago