Ornate lamp featuring the Glasgow Coat of Arms over the entrance to a tenement close in the Strathbungo area of the city.
Such lamps usually signify that an occupant of a building is (if there's two) or once was (if there's just one) the Lord Provost of Glasgow.
#glasgoe #tenement #strathbungo #metalwork #lamp #coatofarms #glasgowcoatofarms #lordprovost
#lordprovost #glasgowcoatofarms #coatofarms #lamp #metalwork #strathbungo #tenement #glasgoe
The former Strathbungo Public School in Glasgow (now Saint Bride's Primary School). Designed by Gordon and Baird, and constructed in 1894, it's a wonderfully imposing building and came complete with a swimming pool in its basement (now closed?).
#glasgow #oldschool #strathbungo #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowschools
#glasgowschools #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #strathbungo #oldschool #glasgow
I love this monumental curved Thomsonesque 1880s tenement on Nithsdale Drive in the Strathbungo area of Glasgow.
#glasgow #strathbungo #architecture #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowtenement #tenements #buildingphotography #architecturephotography
#architecturephotography #buildingphotography #tenements #glasgowtenement #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #architecture #strathbungo #glasgow
It's #Strathbungo in The Back Lanes this afternoon. Always a nice wee community event in the #southside of #Glasgow - kicking off from 1pm.
#glasgow #southside #strathbungo
This carving from the entrance of the former Strathbungo Parish Church in Glasgow is of ... erm ... well I'm really not too sure what it's of, but it's certainly interesting!
#glasgow #sculpture #design #stonecarving #strathbungo #architecture #architecturaldetail #weirdglasgow #weird
#weird #weirdglasgow #architecturaldetail #architecture #strathbungo #stonecarving #design #sculpture #glasgow
RT @BygoneBungo
One of my interests has been tracking down and documenting the builders and architects who created the suburb of #Strathbungo. Not just #GreekThomson.
The former Mission Hall on Nithsdale Drive in Glasgow. Built in 1887 and designed by Alexander Skirving, it's very strongly influenced by Alexander 'Greek' Thomson.
This is a great example of how a derelict, at-risk building can be bought back into use and so saved for the future.
#glasgow #buildingsatrisk #listedbuilding #savingbuildings #strathbungo #buildings #architecture #glasgowbuildings #glasgowarchitecture #alexanderskirving #buildingphotography #restoration #buildingrestoration
#buildingrestoration #restoration #buildingphotography #alexanderskirving #glasgowarchitecture #glasgowbuildings #architecture #buildings #strathbungo #savingbuildings #listedbuilding #buildingsatrisk #glasgow